Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Dharma for new age humanity

  • Every day 3 hrs meditation & 3 hrs of sleep is must. 
  • Teach meditation to everybody you meet. 
  • Read right motivational & spiritual books. 
  • Eat only vegetarian food. Make your food as tasty as possible. 
  • Consume Fresh food. Take more fruits. 
  • Take no garlic, no 5 day old food.
  • No alcohol. Use no microwave. 
  • Alternate between solid food, next day liquid food & 3rd day no food. 
  • Take no medicine. Never go to medical doctor. 
  • Don't worship. Don't seek blessings. Don't wear gems. 
  • Use your own thought power to solve your problems.
  • Learn astral travel & take knowledge from astral masters. 

- Brahmrishi Patriji
Founder of Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement
will exist in earth system till all earthians reach to the level of buddha.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Unless we live like a Master we cannot die as a Master. Unless we die as a Master we cannot break this chain of Reincarnation. Until we become a Master, we keep coming back. We have to born again. We have to die again, any number of times.

-Brahmarshi Patriji

Kohinoor Diamond

Each lifetime should be made worth full. Your life will become worth full life only if you make at least one non meditator in to a meditator or one non vegetarian in to a vegetarian. If you make one meditator or a vegetarian, you will be given one Kohinoor Diamond. Only those who have Kohinoor diamonds will be valued in higher worlds. Else no value at all. Jesus has 12 Kohinoor diamonds on his crown. Buddha has 500 Kohinoor diamonds on his crown. I (Patriji) have 5lakh Kohinoor diamonds. Like this, everyone should earn their Kohinoor diamonds in each lifetime. At least one Kohinoor diamond is needed to make your life a worth full and show your achievement.

– Brahmarshi Patriji
Anyone can leave the body and do astral traveling, but they have to believe that ' they can do ' this. It is quite useless for a person to put out repelling thoughts of disbelief, or thoughts such as 'I cannot do' such a thing. Actually, it is remarkably easy to Astral Travel when one gets over the first hurdle of fear. Fear is the great brake."

Even when you are asleep, the mind is functioning ! It is dreaming; it is still thinking; it is still in worries and anxieties ! It is preparing for the next day... an underground preparation is going on ! This is the state of no-meditation. Just the opposite is meditation. When there is no traffic and thinking has ceased... when no thought moves, no desire stirs... you are utterly silent ...that silence is meditation ! In that silence, truth is known, and never otherwise ! "


What happens after 2012?

A Kazakistan Lady asked Patriji, "what happens after 2012", on Feb 16th in Pyramid Valley, Bengaluru.

Patriji's answer :
According to the Mayan calendar, the last day is 21st dec 2012.. after tht thr's no calendar..TIME becomes meaningless...

Because, everybody would have become Enlightened..

They come out of the concept of TIME..

People who're very very negative, they'll die before 2012..

They've to come again & to choose some other place..

This EARTH will become HEAVEN..

There're so many GALAXIES...

This EARTH is a SCHOOL and this school will no more be a SCHOOL.. This'll be only aCOLLEGE...Only who've graduated spirituality,they'll stay here... EARTH will sieze to be a school... It'll become a COLLEGE...

All human beings who are eating animals are the worst SINNERS.. They've to pay... They'll goto some other school... If thr's no school,they've to wait..

People who're eating animals, they'r not Humans.. They'r Animals.. We love all Animals, so, we also love these Human Animals, who're eating Animals...

Cricket as Life

Life is like cricket. Some players make century in 150balls, some in 100balls, some in 50balls and some in 25balls. Each ball here stands for a life time (Janma). More dare you are the less balls you consume to make a century. More afraid you are the more balls you consume to make a century. What so ever the ball comes if you are not afraid, you’ll hit the ball. If you take no precaution or take more precaution or more care or more care less you will become out early. More fear – more life times to achieve the century. The life should be without fear! We should always take a six from each ball.

- Brahmarshi Patriji

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


A highly uncultured peasant, of advanced age, comes to the doors of a monastery. When they open them, he explains himself like this," Friendly monks, I am a man with a lot of faith. I want to receive teachings."

The monks talk among themselves, at the side of the newly arrived. When they verify his lack of culture, they think that he is not able to receive teachings and much less methods of self-development, but since he seems a man of faith, they tell him, "Look, good man, you are going to be in charge of sweeping the monastery every day. You may stay here and will have room and board."

Months after, the monks start to see that each day the peasant is found more tranquil, with a semi-smile always drawn on his lips and a special shining in his eyes. He exhale true tranquility and is seen happy and balanced. It is so that the monks, bewildered, ask him,"Good man, it looks that during these months you have undergone a great spiritual evolution. Are you practicing any special method?"

And the man answers,"Brothers, the only thing I do, with a lot of attention, clarity and love, is to sweep the monastery. I put all my vigilance and precision in that one too, when sweeping the garbage I think that I am sweeping from myself the rancor, deceptions, greed and hatred. And each day I am happier."


There is an anecdote of the great painter, sculptor and inventor, Leonardo Da Vinci, about his painting "The Last Supper", one of his works presently most copied and sold.

It took 20 years to make it due to the fact that he was very strict at choosing people who would pose as models. He had problems to initiate the painting because did not find a model to represent Jesus, who should reflect in his face purity, nobility and the most beautiful feelings. He also should posses an extraordinary virile beauty. At last he found a young man with these characteristics, he was the first he painted. Then he was finding the eleven apostles, whom he painted together, leaving Judas Iscariote pending, since he did not find the adequate model. This should be a person of mature age and showing in his face the marks of treason and avarice. Thus the painting was unfinished for a long time, until they told him of a terrible criminal they had jailed. He went to see him, and he was exactly the Judas he wanted for finishing his work, for what he asked the mayor if he would allow the defendant to pose for him. The mayor, knowing the fame of the master Da Vinci, gladly accepted and the accused was taken to the painter's studio, guarded by 2 guards and chained.

During all the time that the defendant posed he did not show any emotion for being selected as model, showing himself too quiet and distant. At the end, Da Vinci, satisfied with the result, called the accused and showed him the work; when the accused saw it, extremely impressed, fell on his knees, crying.

Da Vinci, surprised, asked him the reason of his attitude, to what the prisoner answered,
"Master Da Vinci, don't you remember me by chance?"

Da Vinci observing him fixedly answered, "No, never before I have seen you."

Crying and asking forgiveness to God, the accused told him, "Master, I was that youth who 19 years ago you chose to represent Jesus in this same painting."

The moral of this story is that no matter how much physical beauty you posses, it is the inner beauty what in time finally comes out to shine on us and thusly inevitably is marked in our face.

Toddlers are great teachers!!!

Toddlers are great teachers. They are rarely distracted by worry and are always in the moment.

1. Just because you bumped your head a few minutes ago and still have a big red mark, there is no reason to dwell on it. Keep on playing and having fun.

2. Always clean your plate, but don’t overeat. When you are full, dump the rest of the food on the table and spread it around.

3. Be frugal. Empty containers and boxes are much more fun than expensive toys.

4. Always dance. Music is optional.

5. A yard full of leaves is a playground, not a work site.

6. When food tastes really good, laugh.

7. When you love someone, run up to them while calling out there name repeatedly, then throw your arms around them.

8. Smiles are contagious.

9. Boredom is the enemy.

10. Always take time to watch birds fly overhead.

11. Just sitting still in a chair for two minutes can turn a whole day around

12. You have a lot more energy than you think.

13. To make a new friend, just smile at a stranger.

14. Creativity is not learned, it is unlearned.

15. Creativity is not exclusive. We all start out with it.

16. You don’t have to be a professional to sing.

17. The best way to start the day is to stare out the window for a few minutes and marvel at the world, then run around aimlessly, laughing and flailing.

18. The best way to end the day is to run around aimlessly, laughing and flailing, then stare at someone you love for a few minutes and marvel at their wonder, then go to sleep.

Reflect upon it........

Some day you will die.
Lying on your sick bed about to breathe your last, you will be assailed by every kind of pain,
Your mind will be filled with fears and anxieties and you will not know where to go or what to do,
Only then you will realize you have not practiced well.
The skandhas/aggregates (matter, sensations, conceptions, impulses and consciousness)
and the four elements in you will quickly disintegrate, and your consciousness will be pulled wherever your ancient, twisted karma leads it.
Impermanence does not hesitate.
Death will not wait.
You will not be able to extend you life by even a second.
How many thousands times more will you have to pass through the gates of birth and death.
If these words are challenging, even insulting, let them be an encouragement for you to change
Practice heroically
Do not accumulate unnecessary possessions.
Don't give up.
Still your mind, end wrong perceptions, concentrate and do not run after the objects of your senses.
Practice diligently.
Be determined not to let your days and months pass by wastefully.


Take full responsibility for your life.
Stop blaming others.
See yourself as the cause of what happens to you.

Do things you like to do.
Don't stay in a job you don't like.
Participate in life at the highest level you can.

Stop terrorising yourself with your thoughts.
Be gentle and kind and patient with yourself.

Give yourself the simple pleasures of life abundantly.
Wear clothes you feel good in, get a massage etc.

Watch what you say. Avoid self put-downs.
Stop being critical of yourself and others.

Take care of your body.
Give it exercise and good food.

Be willing to create a life-style that generates and nourishes self-esteem.
Associate with others with high esteem.

Acknowledge yourself frequently.
Keep a diary of your successes and accomplishments.

Avoid comparing yourself with others.
Remember that it's who we are, not what we do, that's important

Give yourself permission to do nothing periodically.
Schedule time by yourself.

Frequently take deep breaths.
Discover the benefit and pleasure of breathing fully.

Eat first class frequently.
Don't look at the right side of the menu.

Stop trying to change others.
Focus your attention on being the way you want others to be.

Look into a mirror regularly
and say "I love you, I really love you".

Stop feeling guilty and saying "I'm sorry".
See mistakes as valuable lessons and avoid judging yourself.

Consciously generate positive thoughts and feelings of self-love
in place of old thoughts of inadequacy.

Be willing to laugh at yourself and at life.
Stop taking yourself so seriously.

Accept compliments from others without embarrassment.
Don't invalidate their positive thoughts and feelings about you.

Be kind to your mind.
Don't hate yourself for having negative thoughts.
Gently change your thoughts.

Keep your awareness and your thoughts focussed in present time
instead of living in the past or future.

Acknowledge others frequently.
Tell them what you like and appreciate in them.

Invest money in yourself.
Go to seminars, workshops and courses that develop your talents.

Make a list of 10 things
you love doing and do them frequently.

Treat yourself as you would treat someone you really loved.
Praise yourself.

The Lost Key

One day, people saw Mullah Nasruddin out in the street searching frantically for something. 
The enquisitive nature of man was on work. “What are you searching for, Mullah? They enquired.
“I’ve lost my key” replied Mullah. 
The helping nature of mankind was at work.So everyone joined him, trying to help him 
After some search someone had the urge to ask the place where exactly, the key was lost. So that more condensed search could be made. So, the enquiry was made for the same to Nasruddin.
“I lost the key in the house,” replied Mulla matter-o-factly. 
“Then why are you searching for it in the street?” was the obvious question asked to him. 
“Because there is more light here.” Replied the Mulla 

This short story is symbolic. Everybody is looking for the key. The key to happiness, the key to bliss, the key to freedom, the key to God, the key to peace or whatever one may like to term a phrase.

Most of us look for the key outside. The key is sought in power, in success, in relationships, in wealth, in others. Much light seems outside. Very few look for the key within. The key was lost within and so has to be searched within. But if faces one’s own self one cannot see the light instantly, rather faced by the fears, the loneliness, the conflict one runs away from the self. One looks for some company, some game, some work anything but facing one’s own self and the never ending search on the outside continues.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


1. We all work with one infinite power

2. The Secret is the Law of Attraction (LOA)

3. Whatever is going on in your mind is what you are attracting

4. We are like magnets – LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE. You become AND attract what you think.

5. Every thought has a frequency. Thoughts send out a magnetic energy

6. PEOPLE THINK ABOUT WHAT THEY DON’T WANT and attract more of the same

7. Thought = creation. If these thoughts are attached to powerful emotions (good or bad) that speeds the creation

8. You attract your dominant thoughts

9. Those who speak most of illness have illness, those who speak most of prosperity have it. Those who speak most of corruption have it.etc..

10. It's not "wishful" thinking.


We are all born as human beings: normal, average human beings. But, HOW CAN WE GROW as perfect human beings?
 ... Perfect-physically, mentally, emotionally, intellectually-to satisfy our myriad needs and desires? In short, how can we achieve total success in this world, in this society?

 It's often the case that many people invariably lead dejected lives. They are not happy with their achievements. Their needs and desires remain unfulfilled. Many even do loose hopes. There are any number of cases of suicides and there are any number of cases of people living a boring life, impatiently waiting for death to embrace them.

 Thousands of persons are living without knowing what life truly is !

 Thousands of millions of persons are sick, unhealthy, full of mental tensions, saddled with non-harmonious inter-personal relationships. Families are continuously breaking up.

 All the technology of the world is not making man happy. Why is all this happening? It is because man does not study himself or herself.

 We lead lives studying everything else other than our own selves-whereas, the first charge on our own Self is to study ourselves, to FIND OUT WHO WE ARE; to find out WHAT WE ARE. .

WHERE do we come from ?
What exactly is Birth ?
What exactly is Death ?
What exactly is Life ?
What exactly is the SOURCE of Human Misery ?
What is the permanent remedy for all Miseries in human life ?

Is misery SELF-INFLICTED, or decreed by God, over which we don't have any authority ?...
... These are all the fundamental questions which every person, every man, every woman, every child has to put before himself or herself.
And then, when we pose proper questions to ourselves, WE WILL FIND ALL ANSWERS. Without asking ourselves the right questions, how will we get relevant answers ? Without trying to look at the Sun how can we see the Sun? Without trying to climb the tree, how can we be on the tree and have a tree-view of things?
So, unless a person is bent upon finding the TRUTH about human existence-the facts that govern human existence, human relationships or human event formations-he is going to drift through his life aimlessly. He is going to grow without knowing what is growing up. He will go into samsara, family life, without knowing exactly what the value of samsara or family life is. He will die without knowing what death is, he will wait for death without knowing what waiting for death is. He will reap failures after failures in personal life without ever knowing the causes.

He will be unhealthy without knowing why he is unhealthy. He goes to doctors, goes to hospitals, hospitalizes himself, undergoes surgeries without exactly knowing why all this is happening. He visits temples without knowing why he is going to a temple. He does pranams to Gurus without knowing why he is doing it. All is a big oblivion for a normal, average person who does not PUT THESE BASIC QUESTIONS.
If somebody else has done graduation, we are required to do post graduation ! If somebody has built one house, we would like to build two houses ! That's how it goes on ! We don't do things because we want to. Because others have done it we wish to duplicate it, replicate it.

Multidimensional Transformers

When you stay in the present moment, conscious in your own magnificence, viewing the outside events from a vibration of joy, gratitude and appreciation there is a flow.

 There is a connection to the higher matrix, the divine weaving, in which all things are possible. It is through the heart portal that this higher matrix is available.

 Humans are multidimensional transformers of dense low frequency vibrations. Most humans have shut down their heart portal. They have experienced emotional pain, loss of love, betrayal and rejection. These frequencies are theirs to transform, their gifts to offer the collective.

 First each human transforms their own dense low frequency vibrations. It is their service to uplift the frequency of pain, loss of love, betrayal and rejection that is carried within their personal energy field of the heart.

 Once the heart portal is cleared of any pain, real or imagined, it is now a powerful transformer and can be used in service to transform the dense frequencies of fear, hatred, prejudice and numbness that is in the collective.

 There was an exercise offered by one of your sages in which you would breathe into your heart the suffering of the world and breathe it out transformed. This is a powerful alchemical practice.

 Another powerful alchemical practice is offering your joy, gratitude and appreciation into each NOW. It is important for each human to step into the magnificent ownership of their personal multidimensional sovereignty.

 through Morning Messages........

Why We Have To Become A Vegetarian...

This can be explained in 3 stages. 
1. Law of KARMA: According to law of karma, what we sow, we reap. If we do good to any one we get good in return. If we do bad, we get bad in return. Means if we kill any animal and eat, we have to feel pain in return in the form of disease or any lose in our life.

2. Secondly, we are not corniorous: The wild animals are only corniorous. Wild animals nails and teeth are designed to tear the body and eat directly and the intestine in the digestive system of wild animals is short so that it can digest easily the flesh. But the human digestive system is designed to digest the vegetarian food only. The human intestine is so long and takes to digest anything much time and energy. The human nails and teeth are also designed so that they can eat only satvik (vegetarian) food.

 3. Thirdly 50% of the diseases are due to taking of Non-veg. When any one dies, that body will start decaying immedialty. When we are alive also, many cells will be dying in our body and the new cells will take birth and replaces the old dead cells. But after death, there will not be birth of new cells. So there will be only decaying of the cells. This happens in the animals also. Hence we are bringing a decayed body and putting many spices on it and cooking it. When we eat non-veg, our digestive system does not have sufficient energy to digest. So the energy from other parts of the body is send to digestive system to help in digesting of the decayed, spicy food. If you eat daily non-veg, the energy of all the other parts will be transferred to the digestive system daily. So the energy of the other parts will be reduced and unable to perform their function and becomes weak. This is called disease. The other 50% of the diseasesa are due to Tension. To keep tension away we have to do meditation daily and to keep our body fit we have to eat satvik food. If both the foods are in balanced, we will be happy, healthy always thus we can be wealty always. And also, when any animal is being killed, that will be in very fear and painfull state. These fear and pain emotions are stored in the enzymes of the animal. These enzymes cannot be destroyed after cooking the flesh in high temperatures. So these enzymes with fear and pain emotions will transfer into our body through food and will cause more fear and pain blocks in our emotional body which leads to tension. More tension leads to more stress, more stress leads to more depression, more depression effects on any weak part of the body and causes health problems, same like the blast of pressure cooker when the pressure inside the pressure cooker increases more than the normal level. So not only our physical body, our mental and emotional bodies also becomes unhealthy.

Many argue that, plants also have the life, so how can we eat plants also………….. yes plants do have life. But we designed plant kingdom to make our body alive. If you cut a branch of a tree, 4 branches will come in that place. But if you cut hand or leg of any animal or human, there will not be any growth. Means the dimensions are different and we designed the pant kingdom for our food.

Many argue that, By eating Non-veg we are balanceing the animal kingdom, otherwise there will be only animals on the Earth………….. The NATURE itself designed wild animals to make the animal kingdom balance. There is no need to humans to balance the Nature. Nature will take care of itself.

So my dear friends, all the dead animals or humans are put in the grave yard only. Our body is a symbol of Temple. We get this body, with a great effort and luck. Please don’t make your body as a grave yard. Do meditation daily, which is food for mind and soul and eat satvik food, which is food for body. Give the balanced diet to your mind and body and be safe, healthy, wealthy and in bliss. Love and Light to all.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Lobsang Rampa - You Forever

You Forever was written in the 1960's, preceding much of todays "new age" literature. Whereas a book such as "Celestine Prophecy" deals with these issues in a parable form, Lobsang Rampa approaches subjects such as astral travel, telepathy,human body and the atomistic view in its relation to smaller and higher forms of matter, the etheric and magnetic fields, the aura and it's colors, the wave fields of telepathy, clairvoyance and psychometry along with other waves of existence in all matter and karma from a teachers point of view. IF you've become aware of your spirituality but need more practical guidance then this book is for you.
There are no doctrines, no religious dogmas, but the endorsement to let people have their own philosophies, religions and doctrines.

Conversations With GOD - I

We are all One.
There's Enough.
There's Nothing We Have to Do.
Ours Is Not A Better Way, Ours Is Merely Another Way.

Existence is essentially non-dual in nature. At the highest level there is no separation between anything and there is only one of us; there is only God, and everything is God. The second statement, following from the first, means that we, in this seeming existence, lack nothing and if we choose to realize it, we have enough of whatever we think we need (or the means to create it) within us. The third statement combines the first two to conclude that God, being all there is and is thus always sufficient unto Itself, has no need of anything and therefore has no requirements of humanity. The final concept puts an end to our need to always be right. Given that we have and are everything, and there's nothing we have to do, there are an infinite number of ways to experience this, not just the one way we may have chosen so far.

There is no right or wrong in the eyes of God. No matter how bad something might seem to you, it may seem completely acceptable to another human being. We all operate differently because of our different world views.
The purpose of your life is to understand who you really are. You can choose who you want to be because there’s no predetermined ideal concept that you should live up to. That means that your purpose in life is what you choose it to be.
When you pray or you ask something, the answer is always given. Yet if you don’t look for the answer, you will not notice it.
God can use any channel to give you the answer to your question because God made all channels. So when you ask, you might hear the answer in the first line of the movie you watch, the next article you read or the next sentence you hear from your friend. When you ask, therefore, expect to receive the answer and be alert to not miss it.
God says yes to any requests made by people, no matter how right or wrong they may seem. This is because God will never interfere with the free will of people.
In truth, everything in this world is holy. Money is holy because it came from God. Only if you love money and think that money is good can you have it. If you think that poor is good and rich is evil, money will always be repelled from you.

Conversations With GOD - II

God talks about the importance of telling only truth. When you lie, you react to what was; when you say truth, you create who you really are. You should approach every moment without any thoughts or opinions because if you let thoughts or limiting beliefs rule the moment, you will react to your reality and recreate the same things over and over again. If you, however, respond to each moment without any thoughts about it, you will create a much more pleasant reality.

God describes that there are no bad people. There are only people who have DIFFERENT VIEWS of the world than your own. That doesn’t make them bad people. You cannot know if your view of the world is correct although you will think it is.

In truth, everyone acts in a way they think is best for them. They all want the same things as you do, but they go about getting them in different ways because of their different awareness levels.

God also explains the power of collective consciousness. The more people think about the same thing, the quicker it will manifest. That’s why it’s very dangerous to think about the end of the world or global warming.

God explains that most people on this earth are very unaware. That is evident from our attitudes about bad and good, our view about competition and our unwillingness to end the damage we do to the earth. Most people don’t understand that short term gains will produce long term losses. This would never happen if people understood that there is no separation between anything in this world.

God explains that at present the universe is constantly expanding. Everything on this earth consists of the same matter. In truth, in any solid object there is 2% of matter and 98% of air. There will come the time when the universe will contract as it did before. Then we will all become one. And then the universe will expand again, and contract again and that will be so always.

God also addresses the feeling of guilt. He/she tells that people should never feel guilty about what they like most. We should love money, sex, power, glory, success, fame, having more, knowing God because that’s all good. There is nothing shameful about these things, yet the unaware people in our world make us ashamed of things that are natural to us. This entraps our souls and produces all kinds of negative effects, such as crime, nervous breakdowns and all kinds of other things that would never happen if there would be no artificial guilt.

When you feel good doing something, your soul as though shouts This is who I am!. When you, however, entrap your soul by feeling shameful about things that are supposed to feel good, you as though kill your soul. Therefore you should always do what feels good because DOING WHAT FEELS GOOD is the ROAD TO HEAVEN and not to hell, as some unaware people think.

About the SEX issue: People made the most natural EXPRESSION OF LOVE dirty and shameful and only because of that rape and crime exist. People are not allowed to express their feelings freely therefore their suppressed emotions grow into violence.
you should ENJOY EVERYTHING but need nothing.
why most people in this world are unhappy. This is because most of them still live on a body level. That means they think that they are their bodies. Because of that they are scared of death because they think that’s the end. They feed the body, clothe the body, give the body stuff. They don’t exercise their minds, nor do they expand their souls.

They don’t read meaningful books,
you should nourish your mind and nurture your soul. Paint, bake, dance, listen to music.

People starve to death every single day and instead of helping poor countries, rich countries spend the majority of their money for military purposes. That shows a very low awareness level.

In truth, there is MORE THAN ENOUGH of food and other goods for everyone in this world. Yet the greed of a few keeps people dying every minute. Instead of spending massive amounts of money on guns, governments should provide food for those who need it. It should be about sharing and not about competition. This, again, all happens because people think they are separate from each other.

God also addresses some interesting and upsetting ways governments work. The reason why tobacco is allowed to be grown but growing hemp is illegal is because hemp can be used to produce paper and other goods much cheaper than with the use of trees. This governments know very well and for a bigger profit they allow trees to be cut and discourage the growing of hemp.

Hemp, or cannabis, in other words, would be a much more cheaper option to produce paper, ropes clothes and even medicine. Yet for profit reasons governments are ready to destroy massive amounts of forests and ignore environmentally friendly alternatives. This clearly shows that our governments are not introducing progress, but destroying our world.

God says that we can all eliminate suffering by eliminating separations between each other. View the whole world as your family, eliminate borders and be one nation.

The reason people and governments don’t share but try to take from each other is because they derive life’s greatest HAPPINESS from the outside rather than INSIDE. As long as this is the case, people will want what you have and they will refuse to share it, because their physical eyes see everything as limited.

God mentions that all problems in the world are SPIRITually based and therefore they can only be solved spiritually and not physically. Yet the majority of people and all governments try to solve all the problems physically.  

SETH - The Nature Of Personal Reality

Understand How WE CREATE OUR REALITY from our Thoughts, Emotions & Beliefs. Learn How to take charge of our Minds & our Lives truly.
If changes are to occur, they must be mental and psychic changes. These will be reflected in your environment. Negative, distrustful, fearful, or degrading attitudes toward anyone work against the self.

TELEPATHY operates CONSTANTLY. If you continually expect an individual to behave in a particular manner, then you are constantly sending him telepathic suggestions that he will do so. Each individual reacts to suggestion.(subjective communication at early morning,when receiver wakes up,with focus upon 3rd Eye). According to the specific conditions existing at the time, such an individual will to some extent or another act according to the mass suggestions he receives.

These mass suggestions include not only those given to him by others, both verbally and telepathically, but also those he has given to himself, both in the waking and dream states. If an individual is in a state of despondency, this is because he has already become prey to negative suggestions of his own and others…

There are obviously ways in which you mold your own conditions, protect yourself from your own negative suggestions and those of others. You must learn to erase a negative thought or picture by replacing it with its opposite.

What you see in others is the materialization – the projection of what you think you are – not necessarily, however, of what you are. For example, if others seem deceitful to you, it is because you deceive yourself, and then project this outward upon others.

If an individual sees only evil and desolation in the physical world, it is because he is obsessed with evil and desolation and projects them outward, and closes his eyes to all else. If you want to KNOW what you think of yourself, then ASK yourself what you think of others, and you will find your answer.

YOU ARE MULTIDIMENSIONAL PERSONALITY, and within you lies all the knowledge about yourself, your challenges and problems, that you will ever need to know. Others can help you in their own way… But my mission is to remind you of the incredible power within your own being, and to encourage you to recognize and use it. 

…Ideas have an electromagnetic reality. Beliefs are strong ideas about the nature of reality.
Your thoughts have a very definite vital reality. Beliefs are thoughts reinforced by imagination and emotion concerning the nature of your reality.) Ideas generate emotion. LIKE LIKES LIKE, so similar ideas group about each other and you accept those that fit in with your particular “system” of ideas.

YOU ARE SENDER & RECEIVER. Because ideas have an electromagnetic reality, beliefs, because of their intensity,THEY radiate strongly. Due to the organizing nature of your own psychological nature, similar beliefs congregate, and you will readily accept those with which you already agree...
Limiting ideas therefore predispose you to accept others of a similar nature. Exuberant ideas of freedom, spontaneity and joy automatically collect others of their kind also. There is a constant interplay between yourself and others in the exchange of ideas, both telepathically and on a conscious level.

This interchange follows, again, your conscious beliefs... You react only to those telepathic messages that fit in with your conscious ideas about yourself and your reality.
Telepathic communication is constant. This is usually at an unconscious level merely because your conscious mind is in a state of becoming... As an example, if your conscious ideas are relatively positive you will react to telepathically received information of a similar nature, even if you do so on an unconscious level. ....A FAMILY CAN CONSTANTLY REINFORCE ITS JOY by CONCENTRATing ON IDEAS OF VITALITY,STRENGTH & CREATIVITY.  


Seth delivers knowledge about After Death & between Lives, Health & how to heal illness, Dreams & Out Of Body Experiences, Reincarnation, True Nature of Time, God Concept, NATURE PF PERSONAL REALITY, MultiDimensional Self, Exercise to explore inner Reality and connect with Inner Self etc...
Must Read book for all to solve everyDay Problems >> Expand Consciousness >> Directly connect with our own greater knowledge & being.

SETH - The Eternal Validity of the Soul

The creative POWER to form your own experience is WITHIN you now, as it has been since the time of your birth and before.
Your beliefs form reality. Your individual beliefs and your joint beliefs. Now the INTENSITY of a belief is extremely important...

And, if you believe, in very simple terms, that people mean you well, and will treat you kindly, they will. And, if you believe that the world is against you, then so it will be in your experience. And, if you believe...IF YOU BELIEVE THAT YOU WILL BEGIN TO DETERIORATE AT 50, then so you shall.
You cannot escape your beliefs. They are, however, the method by which you create your experience.
It is important that you here realize that you are not at the mercy of the unexplainable, that you are not at the mercy of events over which you have no control whether those events are psychological events or physical ones, in your terms.

Your events, your lives, your experiences, are caused by your present beliefs. Change the beliefs and your life changes.

100 Benefits Of Meditation

 There are so many advantages to meditation. When I first originally thought of this post, I indeed wanted to make it 100 benefits long (think big right!), however, I wasn’t sure I could find more than perhaps 20-25 benefits. Well, I made it happen! Meditation is as powerful as I thought it would be. Here is the definitive list of benefits that meditation can provide you with:

Physiological benefits:
1- It lowers oxygen consumption.
2- It decreases respiratory rate.
3- It increases blood flow and slows the heart rate.
4- Increases exercise tolerance.
5- Leads to a deeper level of physical relaxation.
6- Good for people with high blood pressure.
7- Reduces anxiety attacks by lowering the levels of blood lactate.
8- Decreases muscle tension
9- Helps in chronic diseases like allergies, arthritis etc.
10- Reduces Pre-menstrual Syndrome symptoms.
11- Helps in post-operative healing.
12- Enhances the immune system.
13- Reduces activity of viruses and emotional distress
14- Enhances energy, strength and vigour.
15- Helps with weight loss
16- Reduction of free radicals, less tissue damage
17- Higher skin resistance
18- Drop in cholesterol levels, lowers risk of cardiovascular disease.
19- Improved flow of air to the lungs resulting in easier breathing.
20- Decreases the aging process.
21- Higher levels of DHEAS (Dehydroepiandrosterone)
22- prevented, slowed or controlled pain of chronic diseases
23- Makes you sweat less
24- Cure headaches & migraines
25- Greater Orderliness of Brain Functioning
26- Reduced Need for Medical Care
27- Less energy wasted
28- More inclined to sports, activities
29- Significant relief from asthma
30- improved performance in athletic events
31- Normalizes to your ideal weight
32- harmonizes our endocrine system
33- relaxes our nervous system
34- produce lasting beneficial changes in brain electrical activity
35- Cure infertility (the stresses of infertility can interfere with the release of hormones that regulate ovulation).

Raising Your Personal Vibration

"Modern science has concluded that everything that exists in the universe

is made of vibration" Hiroshi Doi-sensei..."

Raising one's vibration is an effective way to live a more balanced and

happy life, and also a way to send positive energy out into the universe.

While emitting a lower vibration or frequency, one will never really come

into harmony and balance and experience a more peaceful and happy life

It is the life of discord/dissonance that facilitates lower vibration energy,

and can be sensed manifesting in the world today.

It does take work, however, to raise vibrations, so a consistent effort is

required to raise and maintain one's vibrations.

Signs & Symptoms of a Spiritual Awakening

Worldwide, political, economical, environmental and social events are taking place that are changing the way we think, feel and perceive our world as well as relate to one another. Change is in the air, on a collective and an individual level, both of which mirror one another.

A mass spiritual awakening is at hand, as a 26,000-thousand year planetary calendar cycle draws to an end, expanding human consciousness in unprecedented ways. On a collective level, a paradigm shift is under way as we unplug from a fear-based paradigm rooted in separation, control, disempowerment and worthlessness to one of love, integrity and connection with all of life. On an individual level, tremendous inner change is taking place as the higher energy of this shift nudges to let go of anything that is not true to who you are and align with your true Self-the authentic, fearless, creative and unconditionally loving part of you that knows no limitation or separation from creation.

Anapanasati Meditation

Close your eyes
take all the time you need to get comfortable
shift muscles
stretch and relax
spine and neck are relaxed...not held stiffly !
there is no stiffness here
just comfort ... the beginning of calm ... there is no hurry now
there is nothing else to do ... or think about ... just pure relaxation !
Be the Breath
INHALE softly, easily...
EXHALE softly, easily
let your breath be a rhythm of calm
your breath is a rhythm of calm
follow your breath
Be Calm
use your mind to follow your breath in ... out ... in ... out
that is all
Be Still
be with your breath-energy
Anapanasati Meditation is so simple ..
so very easy .. not at all difficult
Meditation can be done
any one
at any age
at any time
at any place
Meditation should be done regularly ... every day meditation should be done .. as per one's age in terms of so many minutes ..
e.g., twenty minutes .. if your age is twenty years .. forty minutes .. if your age is forty years and so on and so forth
Spiritual health is root and Physical Health is the fruit.
Anapanasati Medittation alone gives Spiritual Health to a person
Meditation is the greatest gift to be given to our lives .. by our own efforts.

The physical body has its own natural and easy rhythm of the breath. In meditation, the mind has to become totally attuned to the normal rhythmic nature of the breath of the physical body.

Full Moon Group Meditation

At the Full-Moon Time, all our Lower-Bodies (physical, emotional and lower mental), which are called Lunar-Bodies, are removed from the direct impression of the moon. Because of this, we have a chance to radiate our inner light through our Lower-Bodies, which are still polluted to some degree from the previous influence of the moon. When the Lower-Bodies are more or less without stimulation from the Moon, the Higher-Energies release themselves and penetrate abundantly into the human atmosphere.

Sometimes, when the heavens are full of black clouds, suddenly a window of blue sky opens up and the rays of the Sun beam down to Earth. Exactly the same thing happens at the time of the Full-Moons ; a spiritual window opens between Humanity, the Hierarchy and Shambala, and a river of light, love and power streams forth, charged with divine impressions.

The Full-Moon period is the Most Opportune Time for the Forces of Light because the Influence of the Moon is at its lowest ebb, and it is at such times that the Extra-Planetary Beneficent Forces can be contacted with safety and with great benefit to Humanity.

At this time, as the Full-Moon is approaching, the Great Ones, the initiates and disciples are forming a great field of energy in the Himalayas through their meditation, contemplation, mystical and sacred rituals, and through their great striving, invocations and contacts.

When the new " World - Religion " is formulated under the influence of incoming energies and deeper human understanding, there will be a Festival for Each Full-Moon. It is for the benefit of the Meditating person which gives ultimate cosmic energy in every cell of the body.

Natural Cures – 9 Basic Health Problems That Can be Treated Using Pyramid Energy

The interest in natural cures is on the rise. More today than ever before. Just as “going green” is the big buzzword for clean energy, and organic is the buzzword for fresh food, natural cures or natural home remedies are just as big now.

Below I have listed 9 basic health problems that can be treated using natural, clean energy that can be obtained from pyramids. Before you think that I am a new age freak or some sort of a kook (I might be a kook, kooky-freak, freaky-kook, etc…) for believing in pyramids, please hear me out.

Benefits of Meditation

Healing of All Diseases is Immediate
  • Memory Power becomes Increased
  • Wasteful Habits Die a Natural Death
  • Mind Always Stays in a Peaceful and Joyful State
  • All Work Gets Done with Greater Efficiency
  • Sleep-time Requirements get Reduced
  • Relationships become More Qualitative and Fulfilling
  • Thought Power is Tremendously Increased
  • Ability to Discern Rights and Wrongs is Sharpened
  • Purpose of Life is Better Understood

All physical afflictions are because of mental worries. All mental worries are because of intellectual immaturity. Intellectual immaturity is because of lack of spiritual energy and lack of spiritual wisdom.

What is Meditation?

Meditation is silencing the incessant chatter of the restless mind ! For that ... we ... begin ... with ... the ... breath ! The process of meditation is simple - Close your eyes and be with your natural breath. Meditation silences the restless waves of mind, thereby preserving soul energy leading to good health, peace of mind and wisdom of life. Meditation done inside a pyramid, or underneath a pyramid, is called as Pyramid Meditation.