Saturday, December 10, 2011

Conversations With GOD - II

God talks about the importance of telling only truth. When you lie, you react to what was; when you say truth, you create who you really are. You should approach every moment without any thoughts or opinions because if you let thoughts or limiting beliefs rule the moment, you will react to your reality and recreate the same things over and over again. If you, however, respond to each moment without any thoughts about it, you will create a much more pleasant reality.

God describes that there are no bad people. There are only people who have DIFFERENT VIEWS of the world than your own. That doesn’t make them bad people. You cannot know if your view of the world is correct although you will think it is.

In truth, everyone acts in a way they think is best for them. They all want the same things as you do, but they go about getting them in different ways because of their different awareness levels.

God also explains the power of collective consciousness. The more people think about the same thing, the quicker it will manifest. That’s why it’s very dangerous to think about the end of the world or global warming.

God explains that most people on this earth are very unaware. That is evident from our attitudes about bad and good, our view about competition and our unwillingness to end the damage we do to the earth. Most people don’t understand that short term gains will produce long term losses. This would never happen if people understood that there is no separation between anything in this world.

God explains that at present the universe is constantly expanding. Everything on this earth consists of the same matter. In truth, in any solid object there is 2% of matter and 98% of air. There will come the time when the universe will contract as it did before. Then we will all become one. And then the universe will expand again, and contract again and that will be so always.

God also addresses the feeling of guilt. He/she tells that people should never feel guilty about what they like most. We should love money, sex, power, glory, success, fame, having more, knowing God because that’s all good. There is nothing shameful about these things, yet the unaware people in our world make us ashamed of things that are natural to us. This entraps our souls and produces all kinds of negative effects, such as crime, nervous breakdowns and all kinds of other things that would never happen if there would be no artificial guilt.

When you feel good doing something, your soul as though shouts This is who I am!. When you, however, entrap your soul by feeling shameful about things that are supposed to feel good, you as though kill your soul. Therefore you should always do what feels good because DOING WHAT FEELS GOOD is the ROAD TO HEAVEN and not to hell, as some unaware people think.

About the SEX issue: People made the most natural EXPRESSION OF LOVE dirty and shameful and only because of that rape and crime exist. People are not allowed to express their feelings freely therefore their suppressed emotions grow into violence.
you should ENJOY EVERYTHING but need nothing.
why most people in this world are unhappy. This is because most of them still live on a body level. That means they think that they are their bodies. Because of that they are scared of death because they think that’s the end. They feed the body, clothe the body, give the body stuff. They don’t exercise their minds, nor do they expand their souls.

They don’t read meaningful books,
you should nourish your mind and nurture your soul. Paint, bake, dance, listen to music.

People starve to death every single day and instead of helping poor countries, rich countries spend the majority of their money for military purposes. That shows a very low awareness level.

In truth, there is MORE THAN ENOUGH of food and other goods for everyone in this world. Yet the greed of a few keeps people dying every minute. Instead of spending massive amounts of money on guns, governments should provide food for those who need it. It should be about sharing and not about competition. This, again, all happens because people think they are separate from each other.

God also addresses some interesting and upsetting ways governments work. The reason why tobacco is allowed to be grown but growing hemp is illegal is because hemp can be used to produce paper and other goods much cheaper than with the use of trees. This governments know very well and for a bigger profit they allow trees to be cut and discourage the growing of hemp.

Hemp, or cannabis, in other words, would be a much more cheaper option to produce paper, ropes clothes and even medicine. Yet for profit reasons governments are ready to destroy massive amounts of forests and ignore environmentally friendly alternatives. This clearly shows that our governments are not introducing progress, but destroying our world.

God says that we can all eliminate suffering by eliminating separations between each other. View the whole world as your family, eliminate borders and be one nation.

The reason people and governments don’t share but try to take from each other is because they derive life’s greatest HAPPINESS from the outside rather than INSIDE. As long as this is the case, people will want what you have and they will refuse to share it, because their physical eyes see everything as limited.

God mentions that all problems in the world are SPIRITually based and therefore they can only be solved spiritually and not physically. Yet the majority of people and all governments try to solve all the problems physically.  

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