Monday, January 30, 2012

And here lives the GOD...the Creator!!

While meditating one day, a voice came into my ears clearly. It said, “ONENESS is the mother of affection. Those who experience ONENESS, experience affection for all the kingdom of lives - Mineral, Plant, Animal and Human.” That day I spent most of my time understanding the deepness of this thought which sprouted all of sudden. While I was physically working with people, I was mentally scouting to find how this statement applies to me and society at large.

People around have been talking much about negatives on the Planet but somehow the earnest urge comes to me to share something which makes us feel positive, blissful and well aligned with the divine. So, thought of sharing few self tested ideas that are helping me to reap the benefits day-by-day in feeling love with oneself, people and the universe. All these experiences are my inner reflections and so can this happen to all of us if we try to connect to our higher self...the self which is the fragment of the Creator of all that is!! There is also a possibility that some of us disagree to my thoughts; I totally accept it as it’s a law of freewill operating.
Once these experiences start coming from inside, we will find no need to know it from outside sources...not from this write-up either. This is an effort which may help us all to work towards the ONENESS factor.
  • With our positive side, let’s accept our dark side also. Osho said, “Forgive others but more importantly forgive oneself.” No one is perfect and had we been perfect we would have become Buddha. But yes!! This planet is where we all have born to become Buddha. So far, most of us are Budhhas in making. So let’s be open in learning from every action and emotion. But in this whole process, we need to make sure that our actions and emotions should not become a hindrance in others liberty. The moment we learn this, our knowledge about self expands and acceptance for self comes automatically. This is the time when we realise that others have a dark side too. Imagining one’s feeling while being in other’s shoe will helps us forgive others with ease.
  • Meditation is one of the most fulfilling ways to experience ONENESS and Love for others. Look to a beautiful scenery of your choice for 2-3 minutes and notice the details of it. Then close your eyes and try to feel that you are that scenery. For instance, a picture of an ocean may let one feel the ONENESS with water by experiencing the abundance or freedom while others may feel the fluidity nature of the water. The experience can be different for all but the objective is ONENESS.
  • When you see someone in pain or true happiness, let’s play our role to mellow or amplify it respectively. Immediately after meeting such person close your eyes for two minutes, concentrate on your breath and visualise a beam of white or green light coming out of your heart and entering into the heart of the other person. I recently noted a change in the behaviour of a friend who stopped talking to me due to some reasons; all I did was sending the loving light to her without being biased. She came back to me after one year with no grudges and hard feelings rather our relationship turned out to be more fulfilling.
  • There must be cases with all of us when we try being nice to someone who keeps on hurting us repeatedly. And we have tried our best to make up the relationship. At this moment, I would say that every soul on this planet has its own way of learning; we cannot expedite or impede the learning of others until they are ready. At the same, it doesn’t mean that we should stop working for the cause. We need to remind ourselves that people who are hardest to love are the ones who need it the most. So, be more open, compassionate & humble with our intentions for them from deep inside our heart.
  • Always be open and all ready to give ‘jaddu ki japphi’ to those who need it. Embraces of love lead to exchange of energies leaving both the parties with feel good factor.
While contemplating on the write-up, we may feel that Universe is immeasurable, how we can keep on working on people around us? Our small contribution can’t instigate change to happen in a big way. For this, I’d like to mention a fable shared by author Joel A. Barker in his book ‘Power of Vision’. Author penned the life changing experience of a wise man who was a Scientist and Writer too. This man used to go to the sea sight to do his writings and before starting it, he had the habit of walking on the beach. One day walking along the shore as he looked down to the beach he saw a human figure moving like a dancer. Fascinated by the same, he moved close to watch it clearly. He saw a young man who wasn’t dancing instead was reaching down to the shore picking up something and very gently throwing it into the ocean. As he got closer, he said:
Good Morning! What are you doing young man?
Young Man: (looked up and paused) I am throwing star fishes in the ocean.
Wise Man: I guess I should have asked why you are throwing star fishes in the ocean.
Young Man: the Sun is up and the tide is going out, if I don’t throw them they’ll die.
Wise Man: But young man, you don’t realize that there are lots of star fishes on the sea shore. You can’t possibly make a difference.
Young man listened to him quietly, bent down, picked up another star fish and threw it in the ocean. He came back and said, “It made a difference to this one!!”
That whole incident made the wise man think that he had been doing a futile process all through his life as he didn’t understand the essence of life. He realised that the young man was choosing not to be an observer and watch it pass by instead the young man was choosing to be an ACTOR and make a difference. It is the trait of an observer who feels that things can’t move with his sole efforts and an ACTOR is the one who makes every effort consciously even when there is no support from the outside world. For him, all matters is his true and right intentions realised from inner self and nothing else. Margaret Mead, an American anthropologist averred, “Never doubt that a group of thoughtful committed people can change the world, indeed it is the only thing that ever has.”

So let us all choose to be CONSCIOUS ACTORS creating a beautiful heaven on this planet. Let our efforts make our MOTHER EARTH experience that all her children are learning the ultimate lesson of being ONE...diluting into the feeling of ONENESS.  And finally, she could proudly say, “and here lives the GOD...the Creator!!”

Know Your Purpose of Life_See Akashic record

  • See your future & make right choice in your present.
  • Meditate before sleeping. Ask knowledge from astral master-Buddha & Jesus.
  • Travel with astral groups of Brotherhood/ Mahavtar Babaji, when sleeping.
  • Practice Affirmation after meditation.
  • Hold Prana-Mudra during walking.
  • Gaze early morning sun.
  • Make a vision-Board (artificial photo of future).
  • Intend for self-Development, not for materialistic desire.
  • The more evolved you are, everything will flow to you with more ease.
  • Learn any instrumental music.
  • Practice more & more group meditation.

By Pyramid Meditation Delhi

50 Self-Help Classics [Author: Tom Butler-Bowdon]

1. We don't attract what we want, but what we are. Only by changing your THOUGHTS will you CHANGE your LIFE.
    -James Allen "As Man Thinketh"
2. “People work perfectly.” PROGRAM in new thoughts, actions, and feelings and you get a new life.
    -  Steve Andreas & Charles Faulkner
       "NLP: The New Technology of Achievement"
3. Don’t get caught up in trivia or pettiness; APPRECIATE your life within larger context.
   - Marcus Aurelius "Meditations"
4. Bring out the essential self. Learn how to say “no” again.
  - Martha Beck "Finding Your Own North Star: How to Claim the Life You Were Meant to Live"
5. Seek peace inside yourself, do the work that is yours, and wonder at the mysteries of the universe.
  - The Bhagavad-Gita
6. Love is the revelation of God to the individualised, self-conscious man, just as power and wise order were the
   revelation of God to ancient, pre-self-conscious humanity.
   -The Bible
7.  Through old stories we can resurrect the ancient and deep power of the masculine.
-- Robert Bly "Iron John"
8. No matter what happens to you, you always have freedom of mind.
  --Boethius " The Consolation of Philosophy"
9. APPRECIATE the rich experience of life, despite circumstances.
  Low expectations make for pleasant surprises.
 - Alain de Botton  "How Proust Can Change Your Life"
10. All life transitions have a pattern, which if acknowledged will make tough times more comprehensible.
  -- William Bridges  "Transitions: Making Sense of Life’s Changes"
11. Feelings are not facts. Always question whether your emotions accurately reflect reality.
 -- David D. Burns " Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy"
12.  Always do what you love and appreciate your life as a wonderful journey.
- Joseph Campbell & Bill Moyers "The Power of Myth"
13.  Put your little struggles into perspective; by doing this you can gain more enjoyment of other people and life generally.
- Richard Carlson " Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff... and It’s All Small Stuff"
14. Really try to see the world as another sees it. The appreciation he or she feels means that whatever you have to say will be truly heard.
- Dale Carnegie  "How to Win Friends and Influence People"
15. There is an easier way to get what you want from life, involvingattunement with nature and the universe.
--Deepak Chopra "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success"
16. We too easily give up on our dreams, yet the universe is always ready to help us fulfill them.
  --Paulo Coelho "Alchemist"
17.  Real effectiveness comes from clarity (about your principles, values, and vision).
Change is only real if it has become habitual.
  --Stephen Covey "7 Habits of Highly Effective People"
18. Rather than being idle, doing what you love is a pathway to greater meaning, happiness, and a self of higher complexity.
-- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi       "Flow"
19. Achieving happiness does not have to depend on events. Through mental practice we can form the ability to be happy most of the time.
--The Dalai Lama & Howard C. Cutler "The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living"
20. Refine and improve the quality of your thoughts and you will have little to fear from the world.
 --Gautam Buddha "Dhammapada"

By Pyramid Meditation Delhi

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Meditation is the art of staying in this present moment. A sleepy person either lives in the past moment or is dreaming about the future life. But a meditator stays in this present moment and is alert about his thoughts and actions.

Any action done with awareness is meditation. Meditation means to be fully aware of our actions, thoughts, feelings and emotions. Another name of meditation is passive awareness.

Meditation is not concerned with any activity but it is concerned with our alertness while doing any action. Meditation means to add awareness and alertness in our actions.

Meditation is not thinking about any god, chanting any mantra or practicing any concentration exercise. Meditation is to be passively aware of our thoughts and feelings.

Concentration exercises makes the mind stronger. Meditation does not make the mind strong but it takes us beyond the mind. Meditation is all about dis-identifying with the mind. Meditation is to be alert about our thoughts and witnessing our desires rather than indulging in them

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Use your time wisely, for it is the only thing of real value of possession on the earthly plane.  When you waste it, it is a grave setback to your soul evolution.  You can never be sure how many hours you have to spend in this body, your compressed psychic  incubator.  Your days are gift, so use them correctly.

Be organized about how you use your time.  Concentrate (which means to intesify) on things that align with your heart's desire.  After all, the moment you pass worrying, getting upset, dwelling on resentments and negativity, and engaging om activities you do not believe in cannot be recouped.  The soul is immortal, but it incarnates in a physical body for designated period in order to grow,evolve, and fulfill it spurpose.  If you squander the life and you certainly can choose to do so, you simply prolong your pain and suffering and hold yourself and others back from self realization.  Recognize how you misuse your days, your most precious earthly quality, before you arrive at death's door, for then it will be too late.

Do not waste other people's time either.  It is emotionall indulgent and disrespectful to break agreements, send mixed messages, arrive late for appointments (or miss them altogether), or be unaccountable.  your hours here on earth are the only true gold you have, and while wasting your own resources is bad enough, taking away someone else's is the height of selfishness.

In your relationships, be on the time and mindful of your intensions while respecting the needs and desires of other people.  Value their priorities as your own.  Although imposing your perspectives and will on others may appear to get you what you want, it will not work in the long run.

You have all the time you need to accomplish anything true and meaningful that you desire, but you do not have a moment to waste.  That does not mean that every moment has to be about creating high-octane results.  Sometimes the most effective thing you can do is noting.

Using your days [rpe[r;y means recognizing the power of rest, patience, and waiting for the natural course of events to unfold.  Realize that you are not the only one acting in the Universe.  The Lord of Creation is also workig, and occasionally you must hold on for Divine direction.

Using your time correctly is the final frontier in the soul's evolution.  You cannot control it, you can only manage it, and ideally you should do so with great care.  spend your days on what matters, and do not devote any energy to what does not.

The root of this lesson is to be fully self-reliant.  It iis important and good to seek support, but not to ask, wish, or dream that any one will carry you.  Your soul seeks self-realization because that is its highest purpose.  Desiring or allowing yourself to be propped up by another is a great waste of time because the spiriit will rebel.  You may not know when, but you can be certain that will.

When you embrace time as gold to expland carefully on what is important and true for you, life becomes eternal.  you stretch your minutes and no longer chase them, and they serve you and your growth.  The more you value them, the more you will have.  Ultimately you will transcend the clock altogether and turn your existence into and equisite work of self-realization.  Greatness can be achieved in the span of one incarnation, when you use it wisely.  Just look at Leonaro da Vinci or Michelangelo, to cite a couple of examples of what is possible.

Time as the precious commodity that it is, and dole it our only on worthy endeavors.  Doing this will take you directly toward mastery of purpose on a soul level and will put you full in charge of your life.


One year back we had a work shop on Waste no Time at our Swadhyaya Yoga office by Mr.G.S.Reddy and on this week of Joy of Giving (2nd Oct-8th Oct),I feel happy to share amongst all.....

By Beliguppa Lalitha

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Five practical ways to raise your consciousness in 2012 (and beyond)

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger declared 2012 the "Year of Consciousness" for NaturalNews ( and pointed out that the ultimate solution to ending tyranny, wars, corporate deception and environmental destruction is to upgrade our consciousness rather than "killing our enemies." This announcement was greatly appreciated by NaturalNews readers, who for the most part have a very positive outlook on 2012 and beyond.

But there was something missing from the announcement: How do we achieve higher consciousness?

And I don't mean burning a roomful of candles, chanting mantras for seven years and mastering the art of transcendental meditation (which takes a lifetime or more). That's not practical for most people in the real world today. What we need is a practical way to upgrade our consciousness right now, here in 2012, in our own living rooms.

That's what this article is about: Five practical ways to raise your level of consciousness starting right now. (I'm also publishing a follow-up article listing things to avoid that crush your consciousness.) For this article, by the way, "raising your consciousness" means expanding your awareness of reality, expanding your connection with other human beings and living systems, and deepening your sense of free will, liberty and being the master of your own destiny through applied decisions and actions. It is not just a "sense of self" but also a heightened sense of how your actions impact the world around you.

Here are the five steps:

#1 - Spend more time in direct contact with nature

Want to boost your conscious awareness? Turn off the TV, ditch the X-Box, and go hiking in a state park somewhere. Go trail running. Plant a garden. Or just take your dog for a walk!

Spending time in nature heightens your senses, opens your heart and expands your sense of connection with who you are and the miracle of creation. So make an effort to spend more time in nature, and if you can manage it, move to a farm or ranch where you can actually live in nature.

#2 - Eat more high-vibration living foods and super-foods

Raising your consciousness means raising your nutritional standards, too. You're never going to attain a high level of self awareness if your brain is running on junk food, chemical preservatives and artificial colors. Those are things, in fact, that destroy awareness and cognitive function.

The highest-vibration foods you can get for awareness expansion are wild-crafted foods you go out and find yourself (in a forest, a field, etc.). The second highest foods are those you grow yourself, usually in a home garden or a sprouting machine.

After years of studying and teaching nutrition, the pattern is obvious: People who live on low-vibration foods (junk foods, fast foods and processed foods) have diminished consciousness and impaired cognitive function. They tend to have narrow, selfish minds and are incapable of assessing information from a wide perspective. They live on microwaveable dinners, they drink diet soda, and they vote for whatever political candidate the media tells them to. They are, in essence, "zombies" who operate more as brainwashed consumers than conscious human beings.

The junk food poisoning of our modern world is one of the most astonishing un-reported stories of our generation. I plan to cover it more here on NaturalNews, by the way, to reveal the links between the junk food supply and the downfall of complex civilization. For now, focus your effort on increasing your consumption of high-vibration foods, meaning living foods, sprouted foods, wild-crafted foods and home-grown foods.

#3 - Clean your clutter to clear your mind

Is your house a jumble of clutter? Do you have so much junk stacked up everywhere that you only have a narrow pathway through it all from your bedroom to your kitchen? The more clutter you have in your home or office, the more cluttered your mind tends to be. Eliminating that clutter is key to finding some peace in your own home.

I've struggled with this, by the way. The situation becomes even more complex when you practice preparedness food storage like I do. As the boxes, cans and other gear stacks up, it's not easy to get it all put away in an organized manner. The thing I've found that works best is a heavy-duty steel shelving unit (purchased at a local hardware store) combined with high-quality storage bins like these made by Akro-Mills:

I use Post-It tape ( and a permanent marker to write labels on these bins. The tape is sticky enough to stay put, but easy to pull off if you ever want to change the label. My bins are labeled with titles like: Flashlights, Batteries, Compass & Navigation, First Aid and so on.

Learn more:

Monday, January 9, 2012

6 Spiritual Laws --- TRUTH

TRUTH of Who AM I ? "I AM" & Why we visit planet earth; why we fall ill; answer of every why....
6 Spiritual Laws

1. Law of Consciousness
We are not Body. We are not mind. We are Consciouness. Everything .......matter, Energy,Thought all are Consciouness. Everything is fundamentally Consciouness.
  अहम् ब्रह्मस्मि. तत्त्वमसि. चैतन्यमात्मा
We = Consciousness + Energy + Knowledge

2. Law of Reincarnation
Consciouness incarnates in several Life Forms,in several Human forms.
Around 350 to 450 Human Incarnation needed to Learn all lessons viz. Compassion, Empathy, Patience, NonViolence,
Responsibility & ONENESS
There is one important point to note that We never go in inferior life forms once we enter any advance Form.(For example,once we entered Human Form. We will ALWAYS incarnate in Human,never in Animal.)

In Human form,One has to experience all types of Life Situation Richness, Poverty, Male body-Female body

In life between Life stage ,with the help of Masters of Karma, we choose any favourable socio-economic situation by ourself. Everything is our choice. We choose our own parents & family.

3. Law of Karma
As we sow,so we reap. There is no coincidence or, by chance. There is cause for every happening.
Positive effect from Environment (destiny) after Positive Karma (Helping other, being in self-less service, Loving all-being-kind, Forgiveness etc.);
Disease and other suffering after Negative Karma (Violence,Non vegetarianism,Hatred,Judgement etc.)
Our personal life get influenced by mainly Individual karma.
Our society get affected due to Group Karma.There is role of karma in all natural calamities too.
It is Practical Code Of Ethics.
You receive from world,WHAT YOU GIVE to the world.
As you give so it shall be given to you.
WHAT YOU SAY to others shall be done exactly unto you.
HOW YOU LOVE & SERVE others shall be done unto you.
What you INTEND is what you become.
You drawn to yourself souls of like frequency (&together you create reality.)
when you judge,you create negative karma.

You are in control of your Karma.
Karma teaches you that YOU HAVE ONLY YOURSELF TO BLAME/CREDIT FOR YOUR LIFE [Success as well Failure; Happiness as well as Misery]

We human-souls are here to MASTER LAW OF KARMA
and Learn Lesson of Compassion,Empathy,Forgiveness,Non-violence,LOVE,oneness;RESPONSIBILITY etc.
During Birth Each soul choose/drawn to Parents who can Provide the Biological heredity & Physical Environment needed to Learn Karmic Lessons. Psychic Genetics is more imp.than Biological genetics in Determining the Characters of Our lives.

Learn about Spontaneous Remission of Karma &/ Breaking Karmic chain - Read Linda Goodman's Star Signs
Read all karma related discourse by various Spiritual Masters like Deepak Chopra, Gary Zukav, Daskalos

4. Law of Progression
Whatever we do,We add to our Experience and, We move Forward in our Evolution. There is nothing like Going back. WE ALWAYS GROW,no matter what we are doing.(rate of growth may be different although)

5. Law of hastening Progression
We can speed up our Progress through appropiate means of Meditation (practicing& Teaching) and Reading Right Spiritual Books(Swaddhaya); being in company of spiritual people.

6. Law of uncertainty
You can never accurately pin-point the exact state of affairs. It is bound to be so because THERE ARE BILLIONS AND BILLIONS OF FACTORS GOVERNING THE CONSTANT DYNAMIC SITUATIONS.
There are many groups of Souls/Light beings in this universe. There are many Universe too. Each are creator. Will of every being affect the Result.
Our life, our world is in our hand. Events of our life is due to our conscious act & unconscious thoughts.
Cosmic laws--you need to know to evolve spiritually & live blissfully.
Life is multidimensional. According to our focus (belief pattern) ,we percieve it in physical brain.
Understand laws of life,to live life as you want.
Universal conscious man, understand universal laws.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Message from Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein once stated that “before God we are all equally wise and equally foolish.” The important part is to give ourselves permission to be foolish, and to realize that our foolishness does not make us any less of a gift.

It’s really easy to get distracted in life. Life throws us so many curve balls. The better we become at discovering the Gift in life’s curve balls, the more we discover the Gift of our unique genius.

What if we stopped and took the time to identify each and every quality in ourselves and others? What if we sat and looked for the Gifts in the things we formerly judged?

What if we trained our minds to wake up each day to look for the Gifts in EVERYTHING that enters our lives?

It’s really no secret by now that the more we practice something the better we get at it.

Imagine waking up each day asking, How can I further develop my Gifts? How can I share my Gift with others? Now imagine a planet of people all focusing from this place, inspiring and leading one another to appreciate the Gift of their being.

How do you discover the Gift? It starts by discovering precisely how the Gift is in every single part of you and in every single moment of your life. By honoring the Gift in everything around you, you give permission to the unique Gift of You to shine.

It is up to us to love each part of ourselves and others. We are indeed each a unique perfect expression of the divine. The more we allow ourselves to love, the more enlightened and empowered we become, a Gift of perfect service.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Dhyana MahaChakram 30-12-2011: Morning Message

"We should give others whatever we have - Daana Dharmam"

Dhyana MahaChakram 29-12-2011: Morning Message

"Practice of Spirituality will makes you Obedient(Vinayam) - Vinaya Dharmam"

Dhyana MahaChakram 28-12-2011: Morning Message

"If you want to understand yourself, you must read books - Swadhyaya Dharmam"

Dhyana MahaChakram 27-12-2011: Morning Message

"Take Care of your Body - Sharira/Aahara/Aarogya Dharmam"

Dhyana MahaChakram 26-12-2011: Morning Message

"Unless you live in Peace, you cannot understand Righteousness - Shanthi Dharmam"

Dhyana MahaChakram 25-12-2011: Morning Message

"If you want ENLIGHTENMENT, be in Compassion - Karuna Dharmam"

Dhyana MahaChakram 24-12-2011: Morning Message

"Everyone should go out and make initiative and make friendship- Mitra Dharma"

Dhyana MahaChakram 23-12-2011: Morning Message

 "You cannot violate the freedom of the other beings - Ahimsa Dharmam"

Dhyana MahaChakram 22-12-2011: Morning Message

"Dhyana Dharma is the highest of all Dharmas - Dhyana Dharmam"