TRUTH of Who AM I ? "I AM" & Why we visit planet earth; why we fall ill; answer of every why....
6 Spiritual Laws
1. Law of Consciousness
We are not Body. We are not mind. We are Consciouness. Everything .......matter, Energy,Thought all are Consciouness. Everything is fundamentally Consciouness.
अहम् ब्रह्मस्मि. तत्त्वमसि. चैतन्यमात्मा
We = Consciousness + Energy + Knowledge
2. Law of Reincarnation
Consciouness incarnates in several Life Forms,in several Human forms.
Around 350 to 450 Human Incarnation needed to Learn all lessons viz. Compassion, Empathy, Patience, NonViolence,
Responsibility & ONENESS
There is one important point to note that We never go in inferior life forms once we enter any advance Form.(For example,once we entered Human Form. We will ALWAYS incarnate in Human,never in Animal.)
In Human form,One has to experience all types of Life Situation Richness, Poverty, Male body-Female body
In life between Life stage ,with the help of Masters of Karma, we choose any favourable socio-economic situation by ourself. Everything is our choice. We choose our own parents & family.
3. Law of Karma
As we sow,so we reap. There is no coincidence or, by chance. There is cause for every happening.
Positive effect from Environment (destiny) after Positive Karma (Helping other, being in self-less service, Loving all-being-kind, Forgiveness etc.);
Disease and other suffering after Negative Karma (Violence,Non vegetarianism,Hatred,Judgement etc.)
Our personal life get influenced by mainly Individual karma.
Our society get affected due to Group Karma.There is role of karma in all natural calamities too.
It is Practical Code Of Ethics.
You receive from world,WHAT YOU GIVE to the world.
As you give so it shall be given to you.
WHAT YOU SAY to others shall be done exactly unto you.
HOW YOU LOVE & SERVE others shall be done unto you.
What you INTEND is what you become.
You drawn to yourself souls of like frequency (&together you create reality.)
when you judge,you create negative karma.
You are in control of your Karma.
Karma teaches you that YOU HAVE ONLY YOURSELF TO BLAME/CREDIT FOR YOUR LIFE [Success as well Failure; Happiness as well as Misery]
We human-souls are here to MASTER LAW OF KARMA
and Learn Lesson of Compassion,Empathy,Forgiveness,Non-violence,LOVE,oneness;RESPONSIBILITY etc.
During Birth Each soul choose/drawn to Parents who can Provide the Biological heredity & Physical Environment needed to Learn Karmic Lessons. Psychic Genetics is more imp.than Biological genetics in Determining the Characters of Our lives.
Learn about Spontaneous Remission of Karma &/ Breaking Karmic chain - Read Linda Goodman's Star Signs
Read all karma related discourse by various Spiritual Masters like Deepak Chopra, Gary Zukav, Daskalos
4. Law of Progression
Whatever we do,We add to our Experience and, We move Forward in our Evolution. There is nothing like Going back. WE ALWAYS GROW,no matter what we are doing.(rate of growth may be different although)
5. Law of hastening Progression
We can speed up our Progress through appropiate means of Meditation (practicing& Teaching) and Reading Right Spiritual Books(Swaddhaya); being in company of spiritual people.
6. Law of uncertainty
You can never accurately pin-point the exact state of affairs. It is bound to be so because THERE ARE BILLIONS AND BILLIONS OF FACTORS GOVERNING THE CONSTANT DYNAMIC SITUATIONS.
There are many groups of Souls/Light beings in this universe. There are many Universe too. Each are creator. Will of every being affect the Result.
Our life, our world is in our hand. Events of our life is due to our conscious act & unconscious thoughts.
Cosmic laws--you need to know to evolve spiritually & live blissfully.
Life is multidimensional. According to our focus (belief pattern) ,we percieve it in physical brain.
Understand laws of life,to live life as you want.
Universal conscious man, understand universal laws.
6 Spiritual Laws
1. Law of Consciousness
We are not Body. We are not mind. We are Consciouness. Everything .......matter, Energy,Thought all are Consciouness. Everything is fundamentally Consciouness.
अहम् ब्रह्मस्मि. तत्त्वमसि. चैतन्यमात्मा
We = Consciousness + Energy + Knowledge
2. Law of Reincarnation
Consciouness incarnates in several Life Forms,in several Human forms.
Around 350 to 450 Human Incarnation needed to Learn all lessons viz. Compassion, Empathy, Patience, NonViolence,
Responsibility & ONENESS
There is one important point to note that We never go in inferior life forms once we enter any advance Form.(For example,once we entered Human Form. We will ALWAYS incarnate in Human,never in Animal.)
In Human form,One has to experience all types of Life Situation Richness, Poverty, Male body-Female body
In life between Life stage ,with the help of Masters of Karma, we choose any favourable socio-economic situation by ourself. Everything is our choice. We choose our own parents & family.
3. Law of Karma
As we sow,so we reap. There is no coincidence or, by chance. There is cause for every happening.
Positive effect from Environment (destiny) after Positive Karma (Helping other, being in self-less service, Loving all-being-kind, Forgiveness etc.);
Disease and other suffering after Negative Karma (Violence,Non vegetarianism,Hatred,Judgement etc.)
Our personal life get influenced by mainly Individual karma.
Our society get affected due to Group Karma.There is role of karma in all natural calamities too.
It is Practical Code Of Ethics.
You receive from world,WHAT YOU GIVE to the world.
As you give so it shall be given to you.
WHAT YOU SAY to others shall be done exactly unto you.
HOW YOU LOVE & SERVE others shall be done unto you.
What you INTEND is what you become.
You drawn to yourself souls of like frequency (&together you create reality.)
when you judge,you create negative karma.
You are in control of your Karma.
Karma teaches you that YOU HAVE ONLY YOURSELF TO BLAME/CREDIT FOR YOUR LIFE [Success as well Failure; Happiness as well as Misery]
We human-souls are here to MASTER LAW OF KARMA
and Learn Lesson of Compassion,Empathy,Forgiveness,Non-violence,LOVE,oneness;RESPONSIBILITY etc.
During Birth Each soul choose/drawn to Parents who can Provide the Biological heredity & Physical Environment needed to Learn Karmic Lessons. Psychic Genetics is more imp.than Biological genetics in Determining the Characters of Our lives.
Learn about Spontaneous Remission of Karma &/ Breaking Karmic chain - Read Linda Goodman's Star Signs
Read all karma related discourse by various Spiritual Masters like Deepak Chopra, Gary Zukav, Daskalos
4. Law of Progression
Whatever we do,We add to our Experience and, We move Forward in our Evolution. There is nothing like Going back. WE ALWAYS GROW,no matter what we are doing.(rate of growth may be different although)
5. Law of hastening Progression
We can speed up our Progress through appropiate means of Meditation (practicing& Teaching) and Reading Right Spiritual Books(Swaddhaya); being in company of spiritual people.
6. Law of uncertainty
You can never accurately pin-point the exact state of affairs. It is bound to be so because THERE ARE BILLIONS AND BILLIONS OF FACTORS GOVERNING THE CONSTANT DYNAMIC SITUATIONS.
There are many groups of Souls/Light beings in this universe. There are many Universe too. Each are creator. Will of every being affect the Result.

Our life, our world is in our hand. Events of our life is due to our conscious act & unconscious thoughts.

Cosmic laws--you need to know to evolve spiritually & live blissfully.

Life is multidimensional. According to our focus (belief pattern) ,we percieve it in physical brain.

Understand laws of life,to live life as you want.

Universal conscious man, understand universal laws.
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