Thursday, April 19, 2012

Be like water ever so~~~~~~~~.flowing

Can you phantom what it feels like, witnessing your 2 kids dropped out of the window ?( she had gotten back 2gether with the father of these kids, but he abused all 3 after drinking; she tried to kill herself.).

Can u feel the quilt of a social worker who had the capability of saving these 2 kids? ( she visited the home, but was thrown out by the abuser)

Do you know what it must be like to be raped on your second date in your home? ( she loved dancing and had a fabulous 1st date, he asked her on a 2nd date at her house and to cook for him, so he could save himself some money)

Do u understand a woman, who craves & has sex, b/c she is desperate for love, to be liked for HER, rebellious of being called a sinner? (she too had an cold blooded abortion in an apartment at the age of 15 , and was molested by grandpa)

What must it feel like as an teenager, to have an abortion in cold blood, by a drunk, 2 see all instruments laying in a bucket ? she too was a sinner..THE DEVIL...(her older sister give her the address for this abortion, for she knew that little sis was pregnant, but refused to give her the money, and couldn't wait what mom would say, if she found out)

Can you imagine the pain, shame, quilt of a mother who was molested by her father, and had to raise 2 daughters herself-( she turned to religion, and called her daughters sinners who needed to be soaked by oil, the cross on their forehead and ask 4 forgiveness)

Do u understand a woman who provides counseling to other women, and gets her heart broken 4 times by the same man?( she took him back each time, the last time she went against her better judgement and he disappeared again, that's when her heart "fell into the bottom of his shoe")

Imagine being high society, rich, wealthy and financing your husband, then to find out you have aids b/c your husband likes to bend over other guys? (she had major trust issues and placed all her trust in him, and ended up hurt, betrayed and alone).

Then there was the angel, who consoled, babysat, called the social worker, tried 2 save the sex craved, cried out 4 help while the family next door was getting beaten up (only then to witness the kids being thrown out of the window). And yet she remained strong for all because once upon a time she use to be in their shoes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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