You are alive now means that your life urge is stronger than your
death urge. So, to remain immortal, all you have to do is keep this life
urge strong.
The three basic causes of death are:
- ignorance
- emotional energy pollution
- poor diet.
Therefore, to master death you have to do three things:
- Master the idea of physical immortality, which involves living from Spirit, our natural divinity. KNOW THE TRUTH. Meditate regularly.
- Unravel our own death urge, which we received from our parents and encourage all the people in our environment to do the same. Learn how to keep our energy body & emotional mind clean and balanced through spiritual purification practices.
- Learn the power of nutrition and fasting and the other simple and pleasurable habits that give us body mastery. Becoming a vegetarian is basic! later become fruitarian >> breatharian(Hira Ratan Manek, Jasmuheen)
spiritual practices is less difficult than living a miserable life that
leads to the grave. In fact, true spiritual practices are the ultimate
pleasures and enrich all the pleasures of living.

Energy Breathing or Conscious Energy Breathing, is the ability to
breath Energy as well as air. It is the art of learning to breathe from
the Breath Itself.

one of us has the innate ability to achieve full physical immortality
if only we can overcome our "falsely programmed" belief in death.
Goodman listed 11 steps that begin the process of cell regeneration
which she claimed to leads to physical immortality. Here they are in
brief form:
1. Know the Truth...don't just believe or have (blind) faith.
Visualise the spirals within the cells turning in the opposite
direction ( I think she meant counter-clockwise), while affirming "I am
immortal". Also take high does Vit C & Vit E... & drink lots
of grape juice
3. Affirm to everybody about the process...don't feel embarrassed
4. Avoid traumatic situations when giving birth... helps to discontinue improper breathing patterns.[Water Birthing]
5. No alcohol, drugs or cigarettes
6. No sexual promiscuity. No pornography. ज्ञान शक्ति है। और सेक्स का ज्ञान बड़ी शक्ति बन सकता है।
7. Forgive
8. Reject all aspects of fear
9. Eat vegetarian & no killing. [later Go vegan>>Solar Gazing >>
pranic nourishment]
10. Fast one day a week
11. MEMORISE the significance of the Master Number *eleven*...

Venturists take human life and its potential very seriously.
We believe in realizing the fullest of which we are capable as human
beings-as a start.
We feel that humanity must assume responsibility for its own
We advocate the application of reason, science, and technology for
the benefit of mankind, and feel that benefit will follow if our actions
are rightly directed, under moral principles that are tested and
validated by their consequences.
We recognize that there are limits to our ability to solve the problems
of life but also that our ability will improve with our knowledge, our
wisdom, and our technology. We believe that death is an imposition on
life, and something that can and should be eliminated through
technological means. Thus we are really aiming at realizing the human
potential by, in the end, becoming much more than human.

Must Do List
Affirmations of New Beliefs
Clearing old trauma
Utilizing all fields in social advancements
Participating fully in the culture and knowing its limitations
Using technology and science to improve life condition
Involvement in blaming government and politics is not recommended
Knowing "Safeguards" for the preservation of your body
Promoting and cherishing the physical body
Your body contains all of your attributes: Mental, Structural, Biological, Spiritual, Energy
Preserving the integrity of your body
Realizing that volunteering your life is not heroism.

Dr. Janni Lloyd, An Aussie Immortalist

Mahavatar is in constant communion with Christ; together they send out
vibrations of redemption, and have planned the spiritual technique of
salvation for this age. The work of these two fully-illumined
masters–one with the body, and one without it–is to inspire the nations
to forsake suicidal wars, race hatreds, religious sectarianism, and the
boomerang-evils of materialism. Babaji is well aware of the trend of
modern times, especially of the influence and complexities of Western
civilization, and realizes the necessity of spreading the
self-liberations of yoga equally in the West and in the East.
In addition, Babaji is reputed to be ageless, according to some
accounts, and about 500 years old around the late 1800's, according to
Swami Pranabananda. Yogananda reports that, according to the disciples
of Lahiri Mahasaya, nobody knows Babaji’s age, family, place of birth,
true name, or other details “dear to the annalist’s heart.

June 18th, 1995, HRM has and continues to live only on sun energy and
water. Occasionally, for hospitality and social purposes, he drinks tea,
coffee and buttermilk. Until now, he had three strict fastings, during
which he had just sun energy and only water and was under the control
and observation of various science and medical teams.
The first of these fasting lasted for 211 days during 1995-96 in
Calicut, India directed by Dr. C.K. Ramachandran, a medical expert on
allopathy and ayurvedic medicine.
This was followed by a 411 day fast from 2000-2001 in Ahmedabad, India
directed by an International team of 21 medical doctors and scientists
led by Dr. Sudhir Shah (Dr. Shah's synopsis report) and Dr. K. K. Shah,
the acting President of Indian Medical Association at that time. Dr.
Maurie D. Pressman, MD also describes his experience with HRM in an
article he wrote and later joined the team for the next observation on
After the excitement of the findings at Ahmadabad, HRM was invited to
Thomas Jefferson University and University of Pennsylvania in
Philadelphia where he underwent a 130 day observation period. This
Science/Medical Team wanted to observe and examine his retina, pineal
gland and brain, therefore this observation team was led by Dr. Andrew
B. Newberg, a leading authority on the brain and also featured in the
recent movie "What the Bleep Do We Know", and by Dr. George C. Brenard,
the leading authority on the pineal gland. Initial results found that
the gray cells in HRM's brain are regenerating. 700 photographs have
been taken where the neurons were reported to be active and not dying.
Furthermore, the pineal gland was expanding and not shrinking which is
typically what happens after mid fifties and its maximum average size is
about 6 x 6 mm, however for HRM, it has been measured to be at 8 x 11
There have been many other sungazers who have achieved similar results
and have volunteered to be tested, however due to lack of funding and
other lifestyle restrictions the results have not been documented. The
uniqueness of HRM is that he has surrendered his living body for
observation and experiments to the scientific firmament for several
extended periods of time. Although scientists and doctors have agreed
that hunger is being reduced if not eliminated, due to the complexity of
the various brain functions, they have not been able to explain how
sungazing has such positive effects on the human mind or body, however
more research is underway.
From 2002 HRM has been traveling all over the world to preach about the
practice of sungazing so that humanity can heal their problems without
any cost or guru. In 2009 HRM traveled to 80 countries in 210 days
preaching and teaching this ancient solar methodology. Each year for the
last last few years, HRM gives on average approximately 300 lectures on
sungazing in different languages. Several interviews have appeared in
leading media and TV all over the world including the BBC World Services
and there are several documentaries on the HRM method of sungazing
exhibited on different worldwide channels to encourage the the people's
practice of sungazing. Additionally, many videos can be found on youtube
as well as numerous links to Sungazing websites and blogs via google -
in different languages such as French, Spanish, English, Hindi, etc.
HRM recommends 2 books: - "Light, Medicine of the Future", by Jacob
Lieberman - "The Healing Sun: Sunlight and Health in the 21st Century",
by Richard Hobday.

(born 1957 as Ellen Greve) is an Australia-based proponent of "pranic
nourishment" or breatharianism, defined as the practice of living
without food or fluid of any sort. She preach channelled material" of
the St Germain. She states that her DNA expanded from 2 to 12 strands to
take up more hydrogen.
I appreciate and am enjoying these wonderful posts. :) ��