Saturday, June 23, 2012

Real Story of the Soul

Soul is not Physical

Soul is a tiniest Consciousness of the Original Consciousness

Soul doesn't have physical shapes

Soul has only the shapes of Experiences

Soul doesn't have the load of Physical weightage

Soul only have the load of Experiences weightage

Soul always awaits for new experiences

Soul always awaits for different kinds of experiences

Soul always awaits for all situations

Soul always awaits for understanding all situations

Soul never has failure except only when Suicide is committed (as its said 'Suicide is the highest crime')

Soul has only Success
Soul has only ever new things

Soul when occupies a human body faces one life situation

Soul later tries to crave for different life experiences

Soul needs 400 life times to understand all human life situations

Soul becomes a Experiences Treasure once it undergoes 400 human life time situations

Soul many times takes birth i.e., entering the physical body

Soul many times takes death i.e., leaving the physical body

Soul many times faces dishonors, sorrows, rejections

Soul many times experiences honors, happiness, awards

Soul becomes a complete knowledge treasure

Soul receives enormous experiences from every life time 

 Soul receives special insights of knowledge from each and every experience

This is the Story of the Soul

Soul primarily is a experience treasure

Soul as a consequence is a knowledge treasure

This is the Real Story of the Soul

--- Patriji's latest concept from Dhyanandhra Pradesh Magazine June 2012 issue - translated

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Creative Power Of The Spoken Word

As humans we have created language to communicate with each other.  The spoken word is something that would touch a person and create a response in them.  Language is a powerful tool that carries emotions, codes, and tones that produce a powerful creative energy.  We are who we are today because of all the words we thought, spoke, or listened to.  Words spoken are very powerful, they become self-fulfilling prophecy. Words thought do not have as much power as words spoken.  Spoken words carry tones and codes which manifest.  Words have the power either to create life or to create death.  So you can either bless your life with your words or curse your life with your words. 
One of the Buddhist Gatha (a Gatha is a poem which serves as a reminder for every activity of life) says:- 
"Brushing my teeth and rinsing my mouth, 
   I vow to speak purely and lovingly. 
When my mouth is fragrant with right speech,
A flower blooms in the garden of my heart." 
Our spoken words can build a world of peace and joy or it can build hatred and discord. 
With this reminder let us choose to bless each other with our words, let us use our words to talk about solutions and not create stories of our problems.  Let our words bring out the truth in us and others, let us not use untruthful words for self-interest or to impress others. Let us not use the power of our words to gossip, criticize or to condemn. 
Let us use our spoken words to declare Divine Favor, to call in the light of understanding, to call in good things, to call in faith and love. 
Let us use the spoken word for truth and kindness. Let us nourish each other with the sweet fragrance of rght speech, so that the flowers in the garden of our Heart can bring "Heaven" on Earth.  Let us remind ourselves that we are the builders of 'Heaven' on this Planet. 

By Premlatha Rajkumar


BY Robert Thesis

Ecstatic Moments on the Tantric Path

“Sunday morning arrives. We practice morning meditation and drink our ritual cup of tea. There is an obvious innocence and passion in our morning greeting as we embrace each other. Today, like every Sunday, we take a break from our full time jobs, community service and parenting responsibilities. We have agreed to make every Sunday a day of complete rest, play and lovemaking, in the tantra tradition.

This is a spiritual practice—our bedroom becomes our temple, our home our sanctuary. We have arranged candles, incense and other artifacts that speak to our hearts. An altar displays memorable photos, special gifts received and cards with words spoken from the truth of our being. We make our bed into a sacred temple and, sitting before each other, we invoke deities, our guides and family members who have passed over, to join us in this celebration of spirit and body. Sometimes we connect our breathing with our attention on our energy centers, or chakras. Other times we sit in silence, deeply connecting with God and each other, even as our minds continue to mutter the importance of unfinished projects, unfulfilled deadlines.

For the next several hours, we massage, caress and stimulate each other, riding the waves of energy that build upon each other. Slowly, we begin to sense a presence within us that is profound and exhilarating. Gazing into each other’s eyes, we see the face of divinity reflected back to us. It is truly breathtaking, even as the mind so dutifully questions the reality before us. We inhale deeply, taking in the next wave of ecstasy that flows through the body. The energy builds, but this time it is more powerful. The sense of losing ourselves begins to merge with another emerging sense—that of connecting deeply, profoundly, in healing and touch. Yet another wave, and our bodies feel the energy intensely, like a sweet honey swimming within every cell, touching parts of ourselves that remind us of a feeling almost forgotten. My God, it feels like home, bringing tears and laughter, embracement and gratitude.

Did we experience a physical orgasm? Sometimes we do, but it doesn’t matter, for we have experienced trust, intimacy and whatever we call this divine quality of ourselves. The mind’s agenda is now but a whisper. We give thanks for this opportunity to know the pleasures of being a physical, human being. We offer our blessings to all who, like us, were misled about their inherent beauty. We bow before each other, recognizing the courage to be so vulnerable, so present! Thank you spirit for this gift of love!

Ecstacy & Balance
Tantra is about ecstatic experience. Ecstasy is not a word often used in this culture to describe our day-to-day reality. In fact for many of us, an ecstatic or blissful moment happens so seldom that we have grown reluctant to believe it exists at all. We’ve learned to accept a poor substitute, a diminished self that has become easily satisfied by daily routines. And yet, the yearning to connect with something greater than ourselves continues.

Tantra is also about balance. We recognize our male nature as being aligned with the mind. This aspect of ourselves is very good at doing things, perceiving the rational, logistic side of life. Our female nature resides within our heart, offering an intuitive, nurturing ability to perceive our life from an unlimited perspective. Learning to maintain a balance between these seemingly polarized aspects of our selves requires absolute honest reflection. The ecstasy experience of union with another is the byproduct of achieving this balance within ourselves. These ecstatic moments offer insights to our conflicts, resolution to dilemmas that appear unworkable and fresh ideas to a weary and tired mind.

Tantra is a map to that place greater than ourselves that we so yearn to connect with. It is about trust, open communication and freeing our passions. It is about revealing our creative potentials, loving ourselves and sharing that love with others. It has become our way of life, finding those ecstatic moments while mowing the lawn, washing the dishes or driving down the freeway. Each moment is another opportunity to stretch ourselves and open our senses to the divine moment, no matter how mundane the activity. Tantra is about using our imagination to create change, feeling inter-connected to life. It is about bringing balance, cooperation and partnership to the male and female aspects within us. Ultimately, tantra is a journey within, looking and feeling for that authentic voice. It is a path that seeks solutions without blame, action without violence.

If you are reading this article, perhaps you feel the pain of this planet’s ills and are disillusioned by the state of human affairs. Such feelings can depress the way we experience personal life. And yet, denying ourselves a connection to our natural birthright—to feeling fully connected to our body and the universe—makes our efforts to change this world less effective. We are being asked to do nothing less than energize an emerging culture that values and respects all of life. To do this successfully, we are also being asked to break the fetters within ourselves that diminish our abilities. I feel we are being asked to look duality in the eye with a love that has no agenda. This is tantra.

Divinity through Sexuality
Some of the greatest gifts and the grossest misconceptions about tantra have to do with sex. Although it is true that lovemaking has become our yoga— an opportunity to experience the truth of ourselves—it is equally true that it has taken me and my wife many years of exploring into our true natures to arrive here. I spent most of my adult life searching for the elusive quality of divinity, only to find it in the most unlikely of places. Like most people, I was taught to separate my sexual experiences from my spiritual relationships. I was surprised, overjoyed and overwhelmed to experience what I call my divine nature through the art of making love in the tantra tradition.

Perhaps, in a different lifetime, my awakened divinity would find me ascending into my God self, leaving this earthly plane behind as I am embraced by my angelic family. But my life’s real story has been a journey to discover my divinity within this body, coming full circle from years of guilt, shame and denial. Like peeling an onion, the layers of conditioning have been stripped away to reveal a truth about a collective wound that we all seem to share in common. I now embrace this wound with tremendous compassion.

Where did we ever learn to believe that we don’t deserve and are not worthy of love? Why do we believe that this is not a safe world to express love in? And how do we move from this place that fears being vulnerable, hurt and disrespected? How do we learn to trust our heart? How do we openly communicate with our partner what gives us pleasure? How can we learn to stop identifying ourselves as the by-product of our social upbringing? Can we simply listen to our partner, without taking it personally, when they find the courage to give voice to all the lies we inherit? When are we going to reveal in our relationships the magical, spontaneous and adventurous soul that got lost in all the pressures to not be that?

A lot of us are in relationships now, or have had past relationships that feel disconnected from our passion, ability to trust and receive love. We have learned to maintain a mask that serves to protect the wounded aspects of ourselves. We have discovered that by removing ourselves from our emotions, we don’t feel the hurt.

Paradoxically, practicing the art of touching and receiving presents a new relationship for many couples. Re-establishing our connection with spirit and earth shifts how we draw our energy and needs from the finite source of each other to an unlimited source of abundance. Learning to maintain this connection, we stop looking to others to do for us what we feel we lack within ourselves. This energy work is a vital part of our tantric experience. Learning to feel the energies all around us allows us to more deeply explore the merging of our bodies and souls.

Learning to explore our sexual identity asks us to relate to our emotions as the powerhouse behind our thoughts. As I learned to trust my ability to use love to transform my fears, I began to safely explore the deeper traditions of tantra. Intimacy and vulnerability became my ally in my relationship with my partner. Now we choose balance, acceptance and self-love as our spiritual foundation.

We feel deeply honored to share with others a spiritual practice that has transformed our sexual experience and our perception of our day-to-day reality. It is a way of life that honors and respects all aspects of ourselves as being whole and worthy of love. As much as I desire to live in a world that honors and respects all of life, I know that it begins with me. Learning to be the peace I desire in this world, be self-respect, honest and tolerant, it then becomes more than just another concept, prayer or idea. It becomes reality.

© 2007-2008 Ancient Wings. The information above is free and available for you to print out, copy and distribute as you wish. Its Copyright, however, prohibits sale in any form except by the publisher.


Every human parent strives to provide the best for their children.  Every parent wants to see their child grow into a happy, healthy individual.  It brings a lot of pain when things go wrong, for you have brought up your children thinking that you know what is best for them.

Many times children are looked down upon as little people who do not know anything, and well-intentioned parents, teachers, and gurus try to impose their beliefs, ideas, fears, rules and laws on the children.  The result produces fear,  when there is fear there is no place for love.

It has become a collective learned human behavior to always be behind the children telling them what they should do and should not do, and also believe that punishment was for the child's good.  This created so much fear in the child, and fear made the child to break the laws and also be careful not to get caught.  By creating laws and fear we are teaching them to cheat and lie. We go on infecting children with ideas which have not even proved valid in our own lives.  Many things we ask our children to do might not have been acceptable to us when we were in their age.

By forcing our children we do not allow them to be authentic, they fear that they would hurt us if they are true, and they feel hurt when they are not true to themselves.

Many times we forget that we only gave a part of our physical bodies to our children, but the Spirit that activates the body comes only from the Creator. Children were never our possessions in the first place, in this planet we are only their guardians.

If we realize this truth, we will also come into the understanding that we really do not know what is right or what is wrong for our children. They were brought into this world by the Creator through us.  And the one that brought them into this world knows them more than we do.
Parenting is an art, and the best and most effective way to parenting is to serve as an example and not to impose our will.

Children need privacy and freedom, they are also individual souls who need to be respected, and allowed to be themselves.  They are not here to fulfill somebody's ideas.  Their future is open and supported by a loving Creator.

A wise parent is one who is there to give support, courage, and confidence to the child without harassing the child to live up to his/her expectations.
A wise parent understands that every human is beautifully programmed by the wisdom of the Creator, there are no accidents, and everything goes according to the program.

The best gift a parent can give the child is allowing and accepting the child to be his/her natural self wherever it leads to, and you will be surprised by the magic and miracles that get created by this acceptance.

By Premlatha Rajkumar

50 Best Quotations

1. We create our own Reality.
2. “Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” ― George Bernard Shaw
3. Do, what you love.
4. Follow your passion.
5. We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. KNOW THYSELF!!!
6. “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” ― Dr. Seuss
7. “Everything you can imagine is real.” ― Pablo Picasso
8. “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” ― Albert Einstein
9. “The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.” ― Mark Twain
10. “I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university.” ― Albert Einstein
11. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” ― Margaret Mead
12. “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” ― Anne Frank  SO, EVERYBODY SHOULD TEACH MEDITATION.
13. “We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be.” ― May Sarton BE A MASTER.  LIVE LIFE OF YOUR DREAM.
14. “Do not read, as children do, to amuse yourself, or like the ambitious, for the purpose of instruction. No, read in order to live.” ― Gustave Flaubert  READ GOOD BOOKS DAILY.
15. “Death ends a life, not a relationship.” ― Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie WE ARE ETRNAL BEINGS.
16. “The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.” ― Isaac Asimov  CULTIVATE  SPIRITUO-SCIENTIFIC  TEMPER.
17. “You cannot find peace by avoiding life.” ― Virginia Woolf   ENJOY  NORMAL  FAMILY  LIVES.
18. “Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination.” ― Oscar Wilde LIVE  LIKE  ZORBA  THE  BUDDHA.
19. There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections.
20. “Life is to be enjoyed, not endured” ― Gordon B. Hinckley
21. Tell the truth, or someone will tell it for you.
22. “Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” ― Søren Kierkegaard KNOW YOUR PAST LIVES.
23. “The more I see, the less I know for sure.” ― John Lennon
24. “The best index to a person's character is how he treats people who can't do him any good, and how he treats people who can't fight back.” ― Abigail Van Buren
25. “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.” ― Anaïs Nin
26. “We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation. It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it's another to think that yours is the only path.” ― Paulo Coelho
27. “A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.” ― Lao Tzu
28. “Do not despise your own place and hour. Every place is under the stars, every place is the center of the world.” ― John Burroughs, Studies in Nature and Literature
29. “The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy.” ― Kalu Kalu DO SERVICE.  TEACH MEDITATION.
30. “If you care about something you have to protect it – If you’re lucky enough to find a way of life you love, you have to find the courage to live it.” ― John Irving
31. “Your emotions are the slaves to your thoughts, and you are the slave to your emotions.” ― Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love
32. “A purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved.” ― Kurt Vonnegut
33. “He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche
34. “The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you.” ― Stephanie Perkins,
35. “It is not the length of life, but the depth.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson
36. “The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams.” ― Oprah Winfrey
37. “There are times to stay put, and what you want will come to you, and there are times to go out into the world and find such a thing for yourself.” ― Lemony Snicket
38. “There are times to stay put, and what you want will come to you, and there are times to go out into the world and find such a thing for yourself.” ― Lemony Snicket
39. “Develop an interest in life as you see it; the people, things, literature, music - the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls and interesting people. Forget yourself.” ― Henry Miller
40. “You were given life; it is your duty (and also your entitlement as a human being) to find something beautiful within life, no matter how slight.” ― Elizabeth Gilbert
41. When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change.-Paulo Coelho
42. Tragedy should be utilized as a source of strength.'No matter what sort of difficulties, how painful experience is, if we lose our hope, that's our real disaster.
43. “eventually, everything goes away.” ― Elizabeth Gilbert
44. “The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, (unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that that situation is over, ) you cannot move forward.” ― Steve Marabol
i45. “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” ― Helen Keller SANGHAM SARNAM GACHHAMI
46. “Never complain, never explain. Resist the temptation to defend yourself or make excuses.” ― Brian Tracy
47. you make your own happiness(, that part of going for what you want means losing something else. And when the stakes are high, the losses can be that much greater.”)― Emily Giffin48. you make your own happiness, that part of going for what you want means losing something else. And when the stakes are high, the losses can be that much greater.” ― Emily Giffin
49. “The more I live, the more I learn. The more I learn, the more I realize, the less I know.” ― Michel Legrand
50. “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” ― Oprah Winfrey
51. “How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.” ― Wayne W. Dyer
52. “Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.” ― Marcus Aurelius
53. “Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.” ― Coco Chanel
54. “Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something and has lost something.” ― H. Jackson Brown Jr.
55. “When a man becomes her own best friend life is easier.
56. “The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.” ― Oscar Wilde
57. “Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, "What's in it for me?” ― Brian Tracy
58. “You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.” ― Brian Tracy
59. If you want to forget something or someone, never hate it. Everything and everyone that you hate is engraved upon your heart.
60. “We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them.” ― Khalil Gibran

By Pyramid Meditation Delhi.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Learn to be in the present

Withdraw your energy from the past. Don't waste your time in memories; what is gone is gone -- say goodbye to it and close the chapter.

What has not come yet has not come yet; don't unnecessarily waste your time and energy in imagination, because no imagination is ever fulfilled. It is because of this that the proverb exists in every language: "Man proposes, and God disposes" -- because you imagine a certain thing in the future, and it is never so.

Withdrawing yourself from past and future, you will become a tremendously intense energy, focused in the present, concentrated in the present like an arrow. No train could manage to leave the platform without you.

Each moment being aware, alert, watchful, in the herenow, is the way not to miss the train. Every experience needs your presence here, this moment.

And this is a simple secret, but it opens the doors of existence, of all the mysteries, of all that is worth knowing, worth tasting, worth feeling, worth being.

Only in deep silence... Something of me enters you, and something of you enters me.... OSHO


There are so many wonderful mysteries not only in this world through which we journey but also right within each of us! 

For instance, did you know that the distance from your heart to your toes is, proportionally, approximately the same dis­tance as our sun to the most distant planet in the solar system?

And did you know that all creatures — from the common garden gnat to the great whales that swim the seas — all have roughly the same number of heartbeats in a lifetime?

What a mystery is this heart whose char­acter we share; how unfathomable, how attractive, how powerful, how potentially perfect is its undiscovered promise.

But down through the ages the Wise have spoken of a still deeper mystery.
Great prophets and sages alike have long taught that this heart hidden in the center of us — our own physical heart — is but a three-dimensional reflection of an invisible Celestial Heart whose outpouring life secretly animates our own.

Imagine something like a water drop shot out from the spray of a huge coastal breaker — complete in itself with all the qualities and capabilities of water, and yet only a microcosmic version of the timeless ocean from which it springs and to which it returns — and you’ll have some idea of this wondrous vision.

If this description of the heart strikes you as being majestic, tire­less, and timelessly magical, that’s because it is just that! And in some ways each of us knows this heritage to be true.

Each time we intuit our native home to be among the unmeasured stars, or sense within us a vitality and capacity to give from resources without end, we have felt the beating of this Real Heart that dwells within our Hidden Self.  

And strangely enough, it is this vast potential that we feel beating in us that often makes our present state of Self seem so unsatisfactory, a captive of our own unre­alized possibilities.

By Ravikiran Bankapur

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Akashic Records

The akashic records (akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning "sky", "space" or "aether") is a term used in theosophy (and Anthroposophy) to describe a compendium of mystical knowledge encoded in a non-physical plane of existence. These records are described as containing all knowledge of human experience and the history of the cosmos. They are metaphorically described as a library; other analogies commonly found in discourse on the subject include a "universal supercomputer" and the "Mind of God". People who describe the records assert that they are constantly updated automatically and that they can be accessed through astral projection or when someone is placed under deep hypnosis. The concept was popularized in the theosophical movements of the 19th century and is derived from Hindu philosophy of Samkhya. It is promulgated in the Samkhya philosophy that the Akashic records are automatically recorded in the atoms of akasha (the equivalent of what Aristotle called "aether"), one of the five types of atoms visualized as existing in the atomic theory of Ancient India, called Mahabhuta. In Buddhism it is taught one reason that people knew Gautama Buddha had attained enlightenment as a Buddha was because he was able to remember all of the details of all of his past lives by accessing them on the akashic records.

Top Ten Things to Know
About the Akashic Records
  1. The Akashic Records contain the vibrational records of each individual soul and its journey.
  2. Everyone is included the Akashic Records. Yes, everyone!
  3. There are two parts to each person's Records:  The blueprint of your soul is immutable and never changes, and the dynamic story of your journey through time as a human being reflects your conscious evolution.
  4. Every person is entitled to access their own Akashic Records. The Records of another person can be opened only with their permission.
  5. “Akasha is a Sanskrit word, and means Primary substance, that out of which all things are formed.”  Levi, The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ
  6. The Akashic Record exists everywhere in its wholeness and is completely available in all places at all times.
  7. Accessing the Record can be extremely valuable.  Your soul's very essence and expression, potential, and purposes can be seen.  The Records can be a tool to assist you in manifesting your own Life Purpose.
  8. Being in the Akashic Records involves the transmission of energy first, followed by information.
  9. The purpose of accessing the Akashic Records is to dignify every person and situation.
  10. The Akashic Record is a profound spiritual resource accessible through a simple sacred prayer that will enable you to develop your own spiritual authority.

In his books Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls, Evidence of Life between Lives, Michael Newton, a hypnotherapist who has worked with subjects in deep states, has many accounts of the akashic record, or "Book of Life". Souls prior to being incarnated go to a 'library' and view the pages associated with the life they are considering. The pages are not necessarily sequential. Although there may be definitive way points along the course of our lives, our free will can change paths, events and outcomes. As the soul prepares for a life with the intent of learning a particular lesson or satisfying a karmic debt, the soul will also choose a family and a body that will help them with the lessons for this incarnation. For many, some of those images survive "birth amnesia" and become our intuition serving them during their lives.

The Akashic Records are the soul's records of all its experiences in all the lifetimes it's been through. Each soul has its Akashic Records, like a series of books with each book representing one lifetime. The Hall (or Library) of Akashic Records is where all souls' Akashic Records are stored energetically. In other words, the information is stored in the Akashic field (also called zero point field).

Everyone has a soul. Everyone has the right to work in the Records.

Physical Longevity (Immortality) by Mind & Energy Control

You are alive now means that your life urge is stronger than your death urge. So, to remain immortal, all you have to do is keep this life urge strong.
The three basic causes of death are:
  1. ignorance
  2. emotional energy pollution
  3. poor diet.
Therefore, to master death you have to do three things:
  1. Master the idea of physical immortality, which involves living from Spirit, our natural divinity. KNOW THE TRUTH. Meditate regularly.
  2. Unravel our own death urge, which we received from our parents and encourage all the people in our environment to do the same. Learn how to keep our energy body & emotional mind clean and balanced through spiritual purification practices.
  3. Learn the power of nutrition and fasting and the other simple and pleasurable habits that give us body mastery. Becoming a vegetarian is basic! later become fruitarian >> breatharian(Hira Ratan Manek, Jasmuheen)
Mastering spiritual practices is less difficult than living a miserable life that leads to the grave. In fact, true spiritual practices are the ultimate pleasures and enrich all the pleasures of living.

Physical Immortality is the road to perfect health. Respect the Will for life in all other beings, without exceptions.
Intuitive Energy Breathing or Conscious Energy Breathing, is the ability to breath Energy as well as air. It is the art of learning to breathe from the Breath Itself.
each one of us has the innate ability to achieve full physical immortality if only we can overcome our "falsely programmed" belief in death.
Linda Goodman listed 11 steps that begin the process of cell regeneration which she claimed to leads to physical immortality. Here they are in brief form:

1. Know the Truth...don't just believe or have (blind) faith.
2. Visualise the spirals within the cells turning in the opposite direction ( I think she meant counter-clockwise), while affirming "I am immortal". Also take high does Vit C & Vit E... & drink lots of grape juice
3. Affirm to everybody about the process...don't feel embarrassed
4. Avoid traumatic situations when giving birth... helps to discontinue improper breathing patterns.[Water Birthing]
5. No alcohol, drugs or cigarettes
6. No sexual promiscuity. No pornography.            ज्ञान शक्ति है। और सेक्स का ज्ञान बड़ी शक्ति बन सकता है।
7. Forgive
8. Reject all aspects of fear
9. Eat vegetarian & no killing. [later Go vegan>>Solar Gazing >>
pranic nourishment]
10. Fast one day a week
11. MEMORISE the significance of the Master Number *eleven*...


we Venturists take human life and its potential very seriously. We believe in realizing the fullest of which we are capable as human beings-as a start. We feel that humanity must assume responsibility for its own betterment. We advocate the application of reason, science, and technology for the benefit of mankind, and feel that benefit will follow if our actions are rightly directed, under moral principles that are tested and validated by their consequences. We recognize that there are limits to our ability to solve the problems of life but also that our ability will improve with our knowledge, our wisdom, and our technology. We believe that death is an imposition on life, and something that can and should be eliminated through technological means. Thus we are really aiming at realizing the human potential by, in the end, becoming much more than human.


Must Do List Affirmations of New Beliefs Clearing old trauma Exercise Nutrition Cleansing Therapies Hygiene Process Utilizing all fields in social advancements Participating fully in the culture and knowing its limitations Using technology and science to improve life condition Involvement in blaming government and politics is not recommended Knowing "Safeguards" for the preservation of your body Promoting and cherishing the physical body Your body contains all of your attributes: Mental, Structural, Biological, Spiritual, Energy Preserving the integrity of your body Realizing that volunteering your life is not heroism.

Dr. Janni Lloyd, An Aussie Immortalist


The Mahavatar is in constant communion with Christ; together they send out vibrations of redemption, and have planned the spiritual technique of salvation for this age. The work of these two fully-illumined masters–one with the body, and one without it–is to inspire the nations to forsake suicidal wars, race hatreds, religious sectarianism, and the boomerang-evils of materialism. Babaji is well aware of the trend of modern times, especially of the influence and complexities of Western civilization, and realizes the necessity of spreading the self-liberations of yoga equally in the West and in the East. In addition, Babaji is reputed to be ageless, according to some accounts, and about 500 years old around the late 1800's, according to Swami Pranabananda. Yogananda reports that, according to the disciples of Lahiri Mahasaya, nobody knows Babaji’s age, family, place of birth, true name, or other details “dear to the annalist’s heart.


Since June 18th, 1995, HRM has and continues to live only on sun energy and water. Occasionally, for hospitality and social purposes, he drinks tea, coffee and buttermilk. Until now, he had three strict fastings, during which he had just sun energy and only water and was under the control and observation of various science and medical teams. The first of these fasting lasted for 211 days during 1995-96 in Calicut, India directed by Dr. C.K. Ramachandran, a medical expert on allopathy and ayurvedic medicine. This was followed by a 411 day fast from 2000-2001 in Ahmedabad, India directed by an International team of 21 medical doctors and scientists led by Dr. Sudhir Shah (Dr. Shah's synopsis report) and Dr. K. K. Shah, the acting President of Indian Medical Association at that time. Dr. Maurie D. Pressman, MD also describes his experience with HRM in an article he wrote and later joined the team for the next observation on HRM. After the excitement of the findings at Ahmadabad, HRM was invited to Thomas Jefferson University and University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia where he underwent a 130 day observation period. This Science/Medical Team wanted to observe and examine his retina, pineal gland and brain, therefore this observation team was led by Dr. Andrew B. Newberg, a leading authority on the brain and also featured in the recent movie "What the Bleep Do We Know", and by Dr. George C. Brenard, the leading authority on the pineal gland. Initial results found that the gray cells in HRM's brain are regenerating. 700 photographs have been taken where the neurons were reported to be active and not dying. Furthermore, the pineal gland was expanding and not shrinking which is typically what happens after mid fifties and its maximum average size is about 6 x 6 mm, however for HRM, it has been measured to be at 8 x 11 mm. There have been many other sungazers who have achieved similar results and have volunteered to be tested, however due to lack of funding and other lifestyle restrictions the results have not been documented. The uniqueness of HRM is that he has surrendered his living body for observation and experiments to the scientific firmament for several extended periods of time. Although scientists and doctors have agreed that hunger is being reduced if not eliminated, due to the complexity of the various brain functions, they have not been able to explain how sungazing has such positive effects on the human mind or body, however more research is underway. From 2002 HRM has been traveling all over the world to preach about the practice of sungazing so that humanity can heal their problems without any cost or guru. In 2009 HRM traveled to 80 countries in 210 days preaching and teaching this ancient solar methodology. Each year for the last last few years, HRM gives on average approximately 300 lectures on sungazing in different languages. Several interviews have appeared in leading media and TV all over the world including the BBC World Services and there are several documentaries on the HRM method of sungazing exhibited on different worldwide channels to encourage the the people's practice of sungazing. Additionally, many videos can be found on youtube as well as numerous links to Sungazing websites and blogs via google - in different languages such as French, Spanish, English, Hindi, etc. HRM recommends 2 books: - "Light, Medicine of the Future", by Jacob Lieberman - "The Healing Sun: Sunlight and Health in the 21st Century", by Richard Hobday.


Jasmuheen (born 1957 as Ellen Greve) is an Australia-based proponent of "pranic nourishment" or breatharianism, defined as the practice of living without food or fluid of any sort. She preach channelled material" of the St Germain. She states that her DNA expanded from 2 to 12 strands to take up more hydrogen.

"POWER OF THOUGHT"--We are responsible of our own life.

We are all thought beings. Every being is a thought-being. Every being is an energy-being. Every being is a knowledge-being.
We are all specific specks of energy, consciousness, and knowledge. Consciousness expresses itself... as function,... as thought. The whole nature, the whole creation, is full of an infinite number of beings, who are all energy-thought-knowledge beings.
Every event is a dynamic state. Everything depends upon the knowledge of a particular being,... the energy of a particular being... and the thought quality of that particular being.
Coming to human kingdom, the human beings’ power of thought, play of thought and the role of thought is immense. Human beings must understand this Great Science of Intent and corresponding material effects.
As our intent is... so would be the effect of ourselves on the environment.
Intent is what we think in our mind, what we conclude in our mind ...and the effect is on the environment.
The Law concerning the power of thought is put simply as “ AS WE THINK, SO IT BECOMES ”, “ As our intent is, so is the manifestation ”. The material manifestation depends upon the inner intent.
Every body’s life is the result solely of one’s own choice patterns. There are no ‘ some other ’ external factors and ‘ external gods ’ sitting up there in the sky ...trying to mould us like mud ! We create our own particular realities ...through our own particular intents, and through our own particular thought patterns.

I hear some music by some person... a desire for music arises in me thought pattern is captured by the desire ...I desire to learn music... I yearn for music... I want to learn music... I go in search of a teacher of music... I do learn... I do practice... and ultimately I become a musician !
You see somebody playing soccer... you want to play it yourself... you seek out that game more and more...the desire gradually becomes strengthened... you have concluded in your mind that you must become a soccer player... you go and join a club... you go daily there... you become a regular member... you practice, and practice... and then, in due course, you become a soccer master yourself !
You have heard about Jesus Christ... your mind gets captured by the whole concept of Jesus Christ... how he lived and what his message was... you too want to become like Jesus Christ... you begin to practice meditation... you go into the small circle of similar meditators... you practice, and practice... you finally become another Jesus Christ !
You become another soccer player,... another musician,... another Christ,... this is the order of the things. EVERYTHING,as a beginning, ARISES IN THE MIND and then manifests itself in the outer. Any manifestation in the outer is a natural result of... that which arises, as an intent, in the mind in the beginning.
Once Gautama Buddha came out of the palace and saw ‘ sorrow ’ everywhere, misery everywhere. A thought sprang in him, “ What is the cause of this misery ? ” His mind was captured by the thought and then he searched. He went to so many persons... all those who were involved in a similar search. He went to many masters and discussed the whole problem, ...learnt whatever he could learn from each and every person concerning the quest. He practiced, and practiced... then he became enlightened. He came to know about the whole Science of Event Formation ! He came to understand about the nature of the power of thought, nature of the power of desire, nature of the power of intent, nature of the law of cause and effect, ...nature of the law of reincarnation. He became a Buddha.
What he set out to become... he did become ! As long as he was in the palace, there was no thought of what he wanted to do. Once he came out of the palace then the new thought pattern began. He thought... he contemplated... he was so stubborn and steadfast... he became a Buddha. If he had faltered in the middle, he could never have become a Buddha.
If I want to become a soccer player, my thoughts should continuously be on the topic of soccer. It behoves upon us to maintain a particular thought stream. We could either continue or we could discontinue, it all depends on how much we desire. If we are fearful, then our power of thought, our power of intent would become weak, then it cannot manifest ! Everybody should remember this point: “ As we think we become ”.
As we intend, as we make a decision, in our mind,... as we conclude in our mind,... so it is going to happen.
If we don’t conclude in our minds,... if we don’t decide in our mind, nothing can ever manifest !

We can also call it as power of decision... power of decisive thinking.
Never any indecisive thinking ! Never any hanky panky thoughts ! Never any haphazard thinking ! Never one step forward and two steps backwards ! Such kinds of thought patterns never lead us anywhere, other than create tremendrous unwanted disturbance in the mind.
We should be absolutely straight and clear in our thought pattern, in our thinking pattern,and in our decision pattern. If we desire something, we should go with the whole of our heart towards it...! Otherwise we should just forget about it. Decisive Thinking alone leads us to become a successful human being.
Success depends upon the power of thought. This has been told by each and every master throughout the ages. There is nothing new about what we are saying here and there is nothing new about what we are hearing.
Jesus Christ spoke the same truth !
Buddha spoke the same truth !
Krishna spoke the same truth !
Mohammed spoke the same truth !
Yet, we are not interested in getting in touch with the concept; we are not living with the concept; we are not practicing the concept.
We are not able to control our minds. Therefore, we are not able to control our lives ! If we take a few earnest moments to control our minds,... to give a proper shape to our minds,... to give a direction to our minds,... then we would have taken charge of our true life !
Our lives depend upon our minds.
As our mind is is our life. Our life is the sum total of whatever we have intended; and whatever we are intending...!
Every thing depends solely and absolutely on how our mind is ! We have to understand the law that the outer is created in the inner. The inner manifests itself through the purity of intent, through the purity of thought, as the outer. Then we become masters,... truly creating meaning in our life, truly creating beauty in our life.
My dear friends, we are all creators of our own selves and as we do think, so do we become. We have not been created by somebody else. We have created our own self.
We took birth because we wanted to be born in this particular body... in this particular time this particular parents.
When we were citizens in causal worlds we decided, “ Yes ! This is the time to be born ! This is the time to go to the physical earth...! This is the time to physicalize myself. This is the time to understand new lessons ! ...This is the time to under-go new experiences in another physical life...! ”
We choose among several parents, among the several potential parents most sutable to us. We choose,... we intend,... we make decisions ! If we have not decided to be born, we would not be here !

Nobody comes here... onto the earth... into a mother’s womb... without a decision. We decided, therefore, we were born ! We selected our particular parents, therefore we are with our particular family.
We cannot blame our parents because we ourselves chose ! We intend... and that’s what we are going to encounter. The kind of life we want to lead at any given moment depends upon our choice, our stream of thinking. “ As we think, so it becomes ! ”
If we want to become a doctor, we become a doctor !
If we want to become a master, we become a master !
If we want to become a soccer player, we become a soccer player !
The most important thing that we must understand about is the strength of our thoughts. The strength of our intentions..., and the choice of our intentions... should be perfect and unwavering.
As we think, so we become ! As we intend, as we decide, so it is going to become.
If we do not decide, it is not going to manifest !
If we do not intend, it is not going to occur !
As we intend,... as we decide,... as we crave for it, as we crave desperately... that is how it is going to become. We are allcreators of our own particular life-destinies, our own particular life-realities.
Who is going to hammer this truth into our minds ? We ! We ! We ! We alone have to hammer this truth into our minds.
We ourselves have to do that ! No body else can do it for us ! Gods will not do ! Gods will not help !
We have to keep remembering again and again... and again and again... the fact that... we create our own realities. We fall by our own selves. We rise by our own selves. We rise through the strength of our thought, or we fall through lack of strength in our thoughts.
We rise through the strength of our powerful intents. Or, we fall through the weakness of our intents. We move ahead through our unwavering decisions, or we lag behind through our wavering decisions.

The whole of America decided that man will land on the moon... by a specific time schedule ...and they did it. That is power of thought !
Can you imagine a man landing on the moon ? !
Can you imagine a man climbing up the Everest ? !
Can you imagine a man crossing the whole of Atlantic in a small boat ? !
How did that particular man make it happen ?! How did that particular man manage so ? !
One single man was responsible for second World War. How did he manage such power of intent ? ! How could he whip up the passions of a whole nation ? !
That is the power of thought ! As we think... so it becomes ! As we intend... so it becomes ! As we decide... so it becomes ! There are Four Types of Thinking Patterns :
  • Disastrous thinking
  • Negative thinking
  • Positive thinking
  • Miraculous thinking
These are the four basic thinking patterns existing in human mind.

Disastrous thinking :

Suppose our thinking is always disastrous,... for example, for the first time we are going by a bike, or by a car, ...whatever it may be... if we are entertaining a type of thought... “ I am going to have an accident... that is certain...”, ...with that kind of a bent of mind, if we go into the driving act, we are certain to land in an accident !
“ This is the first time I am driving in a traffic,... I am supposed to fall, I will definitely fall,... it is going to happen ”, that kind of thinking is called disastrous thinking !
We have to understand that we are not supposed to fall whatever ! We are not supposed to have an accident whatever ! Nothing is pre-supposed ! We created that particular disastrous reality, through our disastrous thinking.
We have been told, that everybody ‘ will have ’ failures in the beginning ! Our parents have told us so ! We have been mesmerised, ...we have been hypnotized,... into thinking about disasters always. Therefore, disasters are happening everywhere for everybody !
Disasters are not ‘ destined ’ by any God ! They have been created by our own selves ...through the power of disastrous thinking.
So my dear friends, we should train ourselves,... we should train our children, ...we should train our friends into this knowledge that “ Never entertain disastrous thoughts in the mind ”.
As soon as a disastrous thought arises in the mind,... it should be snubbed off, it should be wiped off immediately ! We should constantly sweep our minds off of all the disastrous thoughts. All disasters are happening solely because of disastrous thinking.

Negative thinking :

“ Oh ! It may not happen like that. I may not pass in first class,... I may not reach my target,... I may or may not ”. That kind of thinking pattern is called as negative thinking.
“ I am writing my exams, I may pass or I may fail ! ”
If the type of thinking is ‘ negative thinking ’, then there is half a chance of passing. So, negative thinking... to that extent... is more elevated compared to disastrous thinking ! What happens now ? He just will fall one mark short of passing... since he himself concluded that he may pass or he may fail ! Now, he will be on the border line ! Who created him on the border line ? He himself ! It’s all his negative thinking pattern... as he thought so he became.
Thought is the most powerful thing and disastrous thoughts are disastrously powerful, negative thoughts are negatively powerful !
Disastrous thoughts breed disasters. Negative thoughts breed failures. Disastrous thoughts attract disasters, accidents... and negative thoughts attract failures.

Positive thinking :

“ Yeah ! I am going to pass. Yeah ! I am going to succeed . This may be the first time I am driving the vehicle, in the traffic... so what...? I will come back safely ! There is absolutely no problem in that ! ”
Such a kind of thinking pattern is what one should always adopt. This is called as positive thinking.
“ Yeah ! I am going to sit in meditation. I will definitely control my mind, no problem whatsoever ! ”
These are all great examples of positive thinking. We should practice Positive Thinking as we practice Music, as we practice Soccer !
“ No, no ! ...It is so difficult to control the mind. ”
When you use the word ‘ so difficult ’... that is negative thinking.
“ It is absolutely very difficult to control the mind; it is rather impossible ! ”
When you use the word ‘ impossible ’... that is disastrous thinking.
“ To control mind is impossible ! Why should I try at all ? ” ...What kind of a statement is that ? That is typical disastrous thinking !
“ No ! I will try...! I may succeed in meditation... or may not succeed in meditation. Let us see, let us try, either way it is okay...! ”
“ This way or that way,... it may be pass or it may be failure.”
These are typical examples of negative thinking.
With negative thinking we are definitely going to fail... that is decided. Results are decided before hand by the type of intent patterns.
All results are decided before hand, in our mind. If we are entertaining a disastrous type of thinking, disasters get, of course, manifested.
If we are entertaining positive thinking, successes are there for sure !
One step forward and two steps backward... that is the nature of negative thinking. Positive thinking demands only moving forwards and never going backwards in our mind ! That is the only thing that is going to create success.

Miraculous thinking :

The fourth type of thinking pattern is the highest my dear friends,... that is miraculous thinking !
“ Wow ! I will open my third eye in my meditation ! Nature will see to it that I will open my third eye ! ”
Well...that is miraculous thinking !
“ OK ! It is the first time I am driving in the traffic,... so what ? I will touch the down-town and come back within fifteen minutes...! ”
You go and then come back within fifteen minutes or say twenty minutes... that is miraculous thinking ! You have absolute confidence in yourself ! That is creating a miracle, that is miraculous thinking !
Jesus Christ said, “ Whatever I have achieved you too can achieve; and far greater things...! ” See how he spoke ! A Grand Master always lives in miraculous thinking. Therefore, he creates miracles ! Are you willing to entertain the same kind of miraculous thoughts ?
All the great grand masters this world has seen,... they all went much beyond mere positive thinking. They were Masters of Miraculous Thinking !
In the ancient ‘ puranas ’ of Hinduism, you will encounter many persons who decided that they will never die ! And they could achieve whatever they wanted to ! They did achieve physical immortality !
You want to live with the same physical body for 10,000 years... yeah... you can achieve it ! You achieve it through the mechanism of miraculous thinking.
“ Human body can live upto only fifty or sixty or seventy years... ! ” Who told you ? You are telling it yourself. You have hypnotized yourself. You let the ordinary world hypnotize you into thinking that three scores plus ten... that is seventy years,... that is the average span of life.
Everybody dies because of their own self, because they think that they have to die, that, of course, is disastrous thinking !
The whole humanity believes in disastrous thinking. They got to die, they should die. It is a grand example of disastrous thinking.
You don’t have to die ...unless you want to die. So, never entertain thoughts of death, my dear friends. Then you will have to die ! As you think, so it becomes !
You can become physically immortal... if only you can sustain, and maintain the stream of your miraculous thought !
Let us recap again,... there are four types of thinking patterns.
The first one is disastrous thinking; second one is negative thinking; third one is positive thinking... and the fourth one, the best one, the highest one... is miraculous thinking.
At any given time, you put yourself into one of these four compartments, either in disastrous thinking, or in the negative thinking, or in the positive thinking, or in the great miraculous thinking.
As you choose vegetables in the market you choose thinking patterns ...and you have to cook the same and eat it ! Whatever vegetable you buy in the market,... that’s what you are going to cook and that’s what you are going to eat !
We cannot buy one vegetable in the market and cook another vegetable in the kitchen. And we cannot cook one vegetable in the kitchen and have another vegetable on the dining table ! Whatever we are going to purchase in the market that’s what we are going to have on the dining table !
Don’t purchase disastrous thinking; don’t purchase negative thinking; don’t purchase even positive thinking ! Purchase... only miraculous thinking... in the market ! Then, you cook that in your home... and that’s what is going to be eaten by you !
Whenever we go to hear a lecture by a Jesus, or by a Buddha, or by a Zoraster,... a sermon by a Hermis, or by a Krishna,... you know what vegetables they are going to sell to you ? Only vegetables of miraculous thinking ! They don’t sell vegetables of disastrous thinking, vegetables of negative thinking, vegetables of positive thinking,... they are not available with them. Only vegetables of miraculous thinking... that’s a master ! That is what he sells,... that is what he markets !
Jesus Christ said... “ Whatsoever I have achieved, you too can achieve... and far greater things ! ”
“ Even if you have faith ...the size of a mustard seed, you can overturn the mountains ! ”
Such statements indicate miraculous thinking. We should practice miraculous thinking, my dear friends ! As we perfect music, as we perfect soccer, so do we have to perfect miraculous thinking !
Twenty or thirty years back I personally decided that “ I should bring change in the whole world ! I should teach the whole world about the Science of Meditation, the Science of Happy Living ”.
And, what happened in my life ? Whatsoever I decided, whatsoever I concluded, that began manifesting itself !
Now lakhs of people have become meditators ! Lakhs have freed themselves of all doctors,... of all medicines ! Lakhs have activated their third eyes ! Lakhs have seen their own past-lives !
All this... because of one persons’ power of thought, one persons’ power of intent, one persons’ miraculous thinking !
There is no ‘ outside ’ god ! The power of thought is the power of god.
We are the creators of our thoughts ! We are the producers of our thoughts ! We are the directors of our thoughts !
And, we ourselves are the witness of the power of our thoughts, the power of our intents. We alone reap the results of our intent patterns.
Nobody else directs our thoughts ! Nobody else produces our thoughts ! Nobody else is going to listen to our thoughts !
We have to produce... our thoughts,... and we have to direct our thoughts... and we reap the results of our thoughts. Nobody else cares for us ! We got to care for ourselves ! We should take care of ourselves !
No Jesus Christ, no Krishna, no Rama or any body, anywhere ...cares for you ! Nobody cares for nobody else ! Everybody has to take care of their own wonderful self through their own miraculous thinking !
Nobody saves us ! Nobody is our saviour ! We got to save ourselves from our own disastrous thinking,... from our own negative thinking,... !
We even have to rise much, much above positive thinking. We must go into the arena of miraculous thinking. That’s how we are going to achieve whatever we really want to achieve.
So, my dear friends, my dear masters, my dear gods and my dear creators of the whole world ! Our world is our mind...! Our mind is our world...!
We create our own life through our own thoughts !

With Thought, everything is possible. To survive indefinitly too...

By Pyramid Meditation Delhi

Be like water ever so~~~~~~~~.flowing

Can you phantom what it feels like, witnessing your 2 kids dropped out of the window ?( she had gotten back 2gether with the father of these kids, but he abused all 3 after drinking; she tried to kill herself.).

Can u feel the quilt of a social worker who had the capability of saving these 2 kids? ( she visited the home, but was thrown out by the abuser)

Do you know what it must be like to be raped on your second date in your home? ( she loved dancing and had a fabulous 1st date, he asked her on a 2nd date at her house and to cook for him, so he could save himself some money)

Do u understand a woman, who craves & has sex, b/c she is desperate for love, to be liked for HER, rebellious of being called a sinner? (she too had an cold blooded abortion in an apartment at the age of 15 , and was molested by grandpa)

What must it feel like as an teenager, to have an abortion in cold blood, by a drunk, 2 see all instruments laying in a bucket ? she too was a sinner..THE DEVIL...(her older sister give her the address for this abortion, for she knew that little sis was pregnant, but refused to give her the money, and couldn't wait what mom would say, if she found out)

Can you imagine the pain, shame, quilt of a mother who was molested by her father, and had to raise 2 daughters herself-( she turned to religion, and called her daughters sinners who needed to be soaked by oil, the cross on their forehead and ask 4 forgiveness)

Do u understand a woman who provides counseling to other women, and gets her heart broken 4 times by the same man?( she took him back each time, the last time she went against her better judgement and he disappeared again, that's when her heart "fell into the bottom of his shoe")

Imagine being high society, rich, wealthy and financing your husband, then to find out you have aids b/c your husband likes to bend over other guys? (she had major trust issues and placed all her trust in him, and ended up hurt, betrayed and alone).

Then there was the angel, who consoled, babysat, called the social worker, tried 2 save the sex craved, cried out 4 help while the family next door was getting beaten up (only then to witness the kids being thrown out of the window). And yet she remained strong for all because once upon a time she use to be in their shoes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Level of Souls.......Soul's Journey on Planet Earth

Each n Every Souls are here on Earth for Specific Purpose&Plan. One has to Realize it. When you Realize it,journey becomes Fast.
We are here to Take Experiences and Learn Lessons of KARMA.
All the various types of human experiences...such as being a Woman, being a Man, being an Indian, being an American, being a Negro, being a White, being Poor, being in various kinds of economic levels, social levels...all are Must Required lessons for the (Baby)Soul.[There are 5 level of Souls-Infant,Baby,Mature,Old & Transcendental]

Souls(Causal Entities) are created from the above(OverSelf/Soul of SupraCausal Plane by Intent)&from the below(After Domestication of Pet,Soul get Individuality From Animal-Group Souls).

when a Baby-Causal Entity first takes a dip into the physical system, it is called as Infant Soul.After a few incarnations, it is called as the Baby Soul. After a few more incarnations, it is Young Soul. Then it becomes Mature Soul. Then an Old Soul!

When a Soul is Infant, no spiritual knowledge is really necessary. Neither can it understand, nor is it incumbent. An Infant Soul just exists, works for its livelihood and that is it.

A Baby Soul acquires a rudimentary personality n tries to consolidate its personality in various particular patterns. A Young Soul is a leader of so many worldly parochial movements, so many castes, so many religious moulds. The Young Souls are the leaders of particular sects that the world is witnessing !

A Mature Soul does not bother about sects or differences in people. A Mature Soul is bent upon developing itself in terms of Arts, Sports, Crafts and Sciences !

An Old Soul begins the spiritual quest
WHO AM I?    He goes meditation with full dedication.
and when it is ended, it becomes a Transcendental Soul !

As a Transcendental Soul, it practices teaching over a long period of time, it becomes an Infinite Soul (Jesus,Budha,Krishna etc.

Consciousness descend in physical realm to experience itself-- by forgetting everything about self, 1st mineral kingdom, then plant Kingdom >> Animal kingdom >> Human Kingdom. when we domesticate a animal, it get individuality & when its fear to human is over (so,never pay disrespects to pet animals), it enters into Human realm. After entering into human realm,we have to develop our awareness & learn lessons of Karma-- Compassion, Empathy, Patience, Responsibility, Unconditional Love, Oneness etc. We get guidance/help from our spirit guides, angels & astral masters. then we ascend in higher worlds. either becoming overself & expanding cosmos or, we become masters/teachers in higher realms helping the evolution process. In between life state, we take rest, enjoy our favourite activities in astral world, gradually planning to take earthly task.
Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives by Michael Newton explores the fascinating world where our souls go in between physical incarnations. Dr. Michael Newton is one of the authorities in the past life regression hypnotherapy and he compiled this book from multiple cases of his clients.(Unlike Dr. Brain Weiss’ Many Lives, Many Masters-written about one specific client) Fear of death cripples many people. Understanding that our souls live beyond the physical body’s death can help you overcome this fear and live more fully. So I strongly recommend this book to anyone who is afraid of death or people who may have lost their loved ones recently. The sou’s life between lives Michael Newton describes the process of in-between life in the spiritual world in the following stages: Death and Departure Gateway to the Spirit World Homecoming Orientation Transition Placement Life Selection Choosing a New Body Preparation and Embarkation Rebirth The first part of going into the spirit world is often discussed in the near-death or out-of-body experiences as well. As soon as the soul is released from the body, there is no pain nor fear any more. The soul may feel a bit disoriented because of the sudden big change, but very soon it accepts what has happened and actually is delighted to come back to its real home world,THEN ORIENTATION/review of the life that just ended-review our progress against our own plan. Large part of the reason why some souls start at higher level of development right from the start is because they are star travelers(/ starseeds). They had lives elsewhere. we develop at different speeds. The time between each incarnation can differ greatly among souls.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

What if you don’t forgive yourself?

Dr. Dylan Harper was a successful neurologist.  He was said to have the hands of God because never in his career had he done an unsuccessful surgery. But nothing lasts forever and neither did his glory. One day while performing a surgery, Dylan by mistake strike a small cut in a nerve. He didn’t realize it then and the surgery got over. Three hours after the surgery, the patient passed away because of blood clotting in the brain.

Dyaln’s world went upside down that day. He couldn’t accept the fact that he’d done something so careless and that costed him his patient’s life. This was the beginning of his downfall. He got obsessed with guilt then. He cursed himself everyday for his mistake. He’d become a doctor to save life instead he’d taken someone’s life. After that he performed two more unsuccessful surgeries and this made him miserable day by day. All he could think about was the operations that went wrong. Slowly he started cutting out on others. He kept to himself and then even stopped going to the hospital. He locked himself up in his apartment and refused to see any visitors. His friends and family called but he wouldn’t pick up the phone. All he wanted was to be left alone. His best friend, Brian, lived just across the hall and he knew that Dylan hadn’t stepped out of his apartment for a week now so he went to his place to supply him with grocery but Dylan wouldn’t open the door for that either.

Monday, February 27, 2012

A Breathing Practice to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

If you feel stressed out or about to be, take an inner sensory snapshot of your entire body/mind. Simply observe what is happening in your sensations, emotions, and thoughts as honestly as you can.

Now, sensing the earth supporting you and for at least three minutes, put most of your attention on your breathing, especially on your out-breath. Let your out-breath begin to lengthen naturally as you breathe in through your nose and out slowly through pursed lips (as though you were gently making a candle flame flicker without extinguishing it). Don't put any emphasis on your inhalation; let it arise by itself when it's ready.

As the lengthening of your out-breath takes place, you will find yourself beginning to relax. To deepen this relaxation, hum quietly for several breaths during the exhalation, sensing the action of the humming throughout your body. Don't force the humming in any way, and be sure after each out-breath (hum) to simply wait for the in-breath to arise on its own through your nose.

When you're ready to stop, just return to sensing and listening for several breaths to whatever is occurring both inside and out. Then take another sensory snapshot of yourself. How do you feel? Are you freer now from your habitual mental and emotional reactions? Are you more able now to experience the life force moving spontaneously through you? Just sense and observe what is now happening in this amazing temple of energy that you call your body.

Copyright 2009-2011 by Dennis Lewis. For fuller, more-complete stress reduction practices, get my book Free Your Breath, Free Your Life.


For more information visit @[143841672390147:274:Free Your Breath, Free Your Life], or to purchase go to:

By Dennis Lewis

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What can go wrong in meditation? { From Interview with Torkom Sarydarian

Q: What can go wrong in meditation?
A: Meditation is a method that is most misunderstood. Real meditation is EXPANDING YOUR CONSCIOSNESS. I have brought many meditation teachers here, and I exposed them. I told them their meditation was leading people into psychological sickness. If you do not do right meditation, you are endangering your life.
Take, for example, chanting meditation, chanting of mantrams. These make you attracted to your subconscious urges and drives. And eventually when your subconscious erupts from the storage of all your experiences, suddenly it surfaces in your mind to such a degree that you cannot control it.
In my book Psyche and Psychism, for the first time in the history of meditation, I proclaimed that meditation is a very dangerous business, if you don’t know what you are doing, because meditation creates the state of consciousness that reflects yourself - your nature and relationships. If you have a wrong state of relationships, you a have a wrong life. So I wrote 40 pages on it; then I wrote another article. These writings are going all over the world, and these people who are doing monkey meditation are stopping.
Today an Armenian girl came here, and this girl had done all kinds of meditation. She came here half out of her mind. I told her to stop meditating, reading until her nervous system finds its natural state, and then we will give her a meditation that will bring her health and sanity back.
Well, I wrote a technical book on meditation, and every creative person must read these writings because I think you are handling a great responsibility and affecting the consciousness of the public. I know that thousands of people practice unhealthy meditation. They write to me, call me, and I told
them this kind of meditation is wrong. But they are so brainwashed with various methods that it is difficult to reach them if you are not close to them. Because of this, I wrote why we must be so selective and discriminating, about what we are doing mentally.

Enter in Thoughtless Stage.
Be Silent & Alert.

By Pyramid Meditation Delhi

Light body activation

The function of our cells is to take in food and transform it into  energy that we use(ATP). The ability of the cell is to metabolize one form  of energy into another.
Recognize Light  as  energy source. Let your cells know that not only food but It is the light that is coming in, is also an energy that it needs to metabolize. As soon as light comes again  ATP forms.
The entire cell metabolism becomes accelerated. causing vibrations to increase.
body density is released. Accumulated toxins,  physical, mental, emotional, are released due to increased  metabolism.
Pineal  gland and pituitary gland begin to increase in size (finally size of a very large walnut.).
The brain actually begins to produce a larger  and larger number of synapses. [more synapses mean a larger number  of spiritual impulses can come through.]
With light body activation, the intuition of a person gets sharpened.

In the 2nd level light body, the 6th dimensional etheric blueprint,  which is our etheric bodies, are flooded with light because the physical body has  already started making its changes.
They release four dimensional  structures,
making us to  experience every single karmic experience that we have undergone.
All the karmic  experiences will now come back into manifestation in some form or the other.
They have to. You have  to relive them in some form.
The stronger those experiences have been and the stronger the  karmic ties are,
 the stronger will the manifestation be in the present life, and in the physical.

By Pyramid Meditation Delhi.

Master PROSPERITY PRINCIPLES. Enjoy the best life.

Principles for ATTRACTING wealth {from Book '50 Prosperity Classics' of Tom Butler-Bowdon}
_ Paradoxically, wealth (and happiness) comes most easily to those who forget
themselves in the SERVICE of others. The law of giving infallibly returns more to
the giver than they contribute.
_ When you focus on other people and circumstances as the source of your prosperity,
you tend to lose it. But when you RECOGNIZE God, a higher power, or the
UNIVERSE AS SOURCE OF SUPPLY, money begins to flow. Actual money does
not make you secure; what does is a thorough knowledge of the universe’s
power to provide.
_ To receive good things you must first cleanse your mind of clutter and negative
emotions. In forming a VACUUM, you allow good things to rush in. When you
are resentful, you are bound to the person or situation you resent. In forgiving,
you free yourself and allow the floodgates of prosperity to open.
_ The universe is perfectly ordered, therefore the person who makes their own
affairs more orderly is attuned to universal riches. To receive more money, you
little it is.
_ The basic law of the universe is that things come into being that did not exist
before. When you CREATE MENTAL PICTURES of health, wealth, and happiness, you
are not trying to change the laws of nature, but instead fulfilling your unique
promise to bring these things into being.
_ According to the law of attraction, whatever you put your ATTENTION ON
through thought or desire becomes reality. You attract to yourself things or
people that are the equivalent of your current state of being, or “vibration.”
_ The “creative process” is the specific way in which you can use the law of
attraction to obtain what you want. It involves: Asking the universe, and
BEING VERY CLEAR what you want; Believing, ACTING & SPEAKING AS
though YOU HAVE already received what you have asked for; and Receiving—
feeling great that it is coming to you, which sets up the necessary vibration to
manifest the desire. This process is summed up in the Bible: “All things whatsoever
ye pray and ask for, believe that ye have received them and ye shall
have them.”
_ Deciding to ELEVATE YOUR MOOD or feeling in EACH MOMENT  is vital for increasing
your vibration, which in turn attracts things, people, and feelings of a like
vibration. To be both rich and happy, you must make a positive mental attitude
a basic habit of living.
_ If you are low on funds, PRAISE n BLESS whatever you have, and imagine it
growing larger. Blessing both what you have and what others have puts the law
of increase into motion.